Urban Homesteaders

Just found this forum we have a large in ground garden and 14 chicjens hoping to get a fresh set since their egg laying is a
On the downward slide.
We are trying to do it all as well. Currently my wife is into the whole foods. Everything she prepares is home made. My son will begin beehives in a few weeks when they arrive, hopefully set up by April. We are looking to start chickens for eggs and meat in the next month or so. I have 2 brooders and the supplies for a coop, but the weather has been awful. Our garden is waiting on the plants. I will start seeds in 2 weeks in a greenhouse that I finished last month. I have been gardening for a few years, and I learn something every year. Over the last several months we have been slowly transitioning to a homestead...I love the idea of living off of the land. I have to be reminded to take baby steps, since I want to do it all.
Been almost a year since anyone posted here... Any urban homesteaders still out there?

I dropped out. Our dog killed a baby chick the other night and our property set up as is isn't super condusive to being an urban homesteader! We are hoping to move in the next year or so and get some more land... but until them I sold all my chickens, and this year I doubt anyone gets a good harvest. It's march and still snowing here!
We had almost 50 degrees today and the guinea hens refused to go back into the coop until after the sun set. Most of our snow is gone. Starting to clear the area for the garden. Three trees down, two more to go. Correction, 4 trees down and two to go, I forgot about the apple tree we cut down. There were three apple trees and the center one was completely engulfed by the outer two.
I need to find the box with my seed starting stuff. That is tomorrows task. I gotta get those seeds started!
FINALLY past the ice an snow followed by rain... Now, if we could just get some sun to dry up the muck and mud, we'll be okay. Still harvesting cold weather crops but sooooo looking forward to getting tomatoes, squash, peppers and such going. Our chickens laid well throughout the winter except during fall molt. Purchased a young breeding trio of Californian rabbits with 2 six week old babies w/ cages, feeders, and waterers plus feed last week from a man who was moving out of town so it was practically a steal. Getting ready to build an outdoor hutch to hang cages in with a worm bin beneath as soon as the mud dries up. Also in the process of expanding the garden, taking down some dead trees and pruning a few others to open the canopy. Next on the agenda is gutters and water catchment. The work never ends!!
I really need to go out and prune the apple trees. I don't know if it will help or not, they are pretty overgrown. Not sure if they even bloomed... I didn't move into the place until September.
We just moved from the heart of St. Louis City to a semi- urban neighborhood just outside the city border, and started our adventure with chickens. I often find myself to be lost on the forums because most people live in the middle of nowhere. We are confined to close quarters, and a small backyard, so the chickens leave not much room for... well... US. Glad to see that there are some others who can enjoy having backyard poultry as pets (or for the meat) that live in more urban areas.
We just moved from the heart of St. Louis City to a semi- urban neighborhood just outside the city border, and started our adventure with chickens. I often find myself to be lost on the forums because most people live in the middle of nowhere. We are confined to close quarters, and a small backyard, so the chickens leave not much room for... well... US. Glad to see that there are some others who  can enjoy having backyard poultry as pets (or for the meat) that live in more urban areas. 

I live in an urban setting and have chickens, muscovy ducks, rabbits, a garden etc. It can be done. You just gotta get creative

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