Urban Scofflaw


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Hello All,
Has anyone found a method to keep a rooster inside city limits where you aren't supposed to? I have four new chicks to add to my old girls who are dying off and I'm pretty sure that one is a cockerel. They're eight weeks old and I just put them outside and the girls just follow him everywhere.
I've handled him a lot and he's pretty mellow and I just want to keep him. Can his vocal cords be cut so he's quiet when he crows?
I don't like being an outlaw but he's a sweet Americauna roo.
If it is a rooster and you can't keep him I would look to rehoming him instead of wanting to cut his vocal cords out,to me that is a little harsh.

*edit* or you can keep him inside your house
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Yes, roosters can be 'decrowed' so to speak, but it may be hard to find a vet to do it and I don't know at what age it needs to be done (if there even is an age window).

I know there have been other threads on here pertaining to the subject and it's pros and cons... and you will find a wide variety of opinions as far as how folks feel about if it should be done at all. Also the effectiveness of the procedure is often discussed...

If you do a search in the block above you will probably find some of the other threads on it.

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Also remember that mellow at 8 weeks does not mean he will stay that way. Can't fully assess a rooster's behavior until the hormones really kick in. Many a cuddly rooster have turned into raging floggers.

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