Urgent: Broody Hen acting really odd!

The Chick Addict

Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Jun 23, 2022
Hi Y'all! my hen Waffles, went broody 17 days ago and she has been laying on some eggs ever since she started, along with a Silkie that went broody as well. I have been giving them fresh food and water. They were being harassed by some of the other girls and a rat stole one of the most developed eggs so I brought them and put them inside a spare hutch I have. Its been maybe about a week since I brought them inside. The Silkie, Debbie, has been acting alright, eating and drinking enough and pooping solid poop. Waffles on the other hand has been eating only a few bites and a few sips of water. Her comb has gone as pale as skin color with only the faintest hint of red and her wattles have shrunk a bit. She had been pooping big solid poops but yesterday I brought her outside to free range and she had not been out there for 2 minutes and she pooped this watery/solid green fresh grass poop. Did her body digest it that fast?!!! It was fresh grass for sure and she had only been out for two minutes and eaten only about 4 strands of grass. I had not brought her outside at all for a couple of days. She still was acting and is acting broody. Acting suspicious of anything, really slow and not walking much not to mention growling when we get near. I brought her out to the living room a few minutes ago and she flapped her wings and started doing the egg song! She really surprised me! And then... she farted (yes it was real loud!) a huge watery dark with a hint of green poop. It smelled pretty bad!! Any idea on what in the world is going on with her??!! I put her back and shes back with her eggs. She does look a bit sickly. I'm really worried! A few other questions: Is it normal for broodys to have pale combs and wattles? And is it normal for wattles to shrink a bit when broody? Is her poop normal and is it normal for it to be smellier than usual? And is behavior normal! Thanks so much! 💚
Hi Y'all! my hen Waffles, went broody 17 days ago and she has been laying on some eggs ever since she started, along with a Silkie that went broody as well. I have been giving them fresh food and water. They were being harassed by some of the other girls and a rat stole one of the most developed eggs so I brought them and put them inside a spare hutch I have. Its been maybe about a week since I brought them inside. The Silkie, Debbie, has been acting alright, eating and drinking enough and pooping solid poop. Waffles on the other hand has been eating only a few bites and a few sips of water. Her comb has gone as pale as skin color with only the faintest hint of red and her wattles have shrunk a bit. She had been pooping big solid poops but yesterday I brought her outside to free range and she had not been out there for 2 minutes and she pooped this watery/solid green fresh grass poop. Did her body digest it that fast?!!! It was fresh grass for sure and she had only been out for two minutes and eaten only about 4 strands of grass. I had not brought her outside at all for a couple of days. She still was acting and is acting broody. Acting suspicious of anything, really slow and not walking much not to mention growling when we get near. I brought her out to the living room a few minutes ago and she flapped her wings and started doing the egg song! She really surprised me! And then... she farted (yes it was real loud!) a huge watery dark with a hint of green poop. It smelled pretty bad!! Any idea on what in the world is going on with her??!! I put her back and shes back with her eggs. She does look a bit sickly. I'm really worried! A few other questions: Is it normal for broodys to have pale combs and wattles? And is it normal for wattles to shrink a bit when broody? Is her poop normal and is it normal for it to be smellier than usual? And is behavior normal! Thanks so much! 💚
All I can tell you is about my broody hen. Her comb and wattles almost disappeared during the 2 times she has been broody. The grew very pale. After her brood was over (including the raising of the chicks) her wattles and comb grew back and returned to a bright red. When I asked the same question, someone on this site told me that was normal.

Also, I have read that broody poop stinks horrifically. My girl would always go out of the coop to poop, so I have never smelled it.

She is probably eating more when you are not looking. I always bring my broody hens some poached eggs so they get a little extra protein b/c they are using that up pretty regularly during their brood. I also give them watermelon because they love it and then I know they are getting hydrated.

May you hatch all pullets!
All I can tell you is about my broody hen. Her comb and wattles almost disappeared during the 2 times she has been broody. The grew very pale. After her brood was over (including the raising of the chicks) her wattles and comb grew back and returned to a bright red. When I asked the same question, someone on this site told me that was normal.

Also, I have read that broody poop stinks horrifically. My girl would always go out of the coop to poop, so I have never smelled it.

She is probably eating more when you are not looking. I always bring my broody hens some poached eggs so they get a little extra protein b/c they are using that up pretty regularly during their brood. I also give them watermelon because they love it and then I know they are getting hydrated.

May you hatch all pullets!
The only thing I can suggest till other more experienced people turn up, is to check her for mites and lice.
@aart might be able to help here.
Thank you all for your help! I figured that it was normal, just wanted to make sure! 💚

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