Urgent Do Not Think A Baby Chick Will Make It

It sounds to me as though she was born with some kind of abnormality... I am very sorry that you lost her, you tried your best and were careful and considerate and in the end that is all we can do!
I'm so sorry!

Adrian is right, you gave her more chances than she would have had and made her as comfortable as possible. It is never easy losing a little one (feathered or otherwise), give yourself some time to grieve.
thanks everyone i tryed my best but it was just to much for her little body to handle the only time she seemed to rest a little and seem to feel better is when i held her close and had her covered with a warm blanket just her head was peeping out
thank you i just feel i could have done more but i still have 4 of her sisters and 16 of her sisters and her 2 brothers went to my cousins home i plan on getting more i was so tempted today when i went into the tractor supply company they were out of duck but had chicks they had one there that was crossed between a Cornish roo and a white Plymouth rock hen wonder what kids of eggs would she lay there minimum was 6 but the max i want they did not have enough lol
Nothing like more eggs to help ease the grieving...you're a good momma! Have fun hatching more.

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