Urgent: Egg bound parakeet? Not sure what’s going on


5 Years
Aug 18, 2019
North Georgia
I woke up to my parakeet Gwen this morning, her bottom looking like this. I’ve never experienced something like this as many birds I have raised. Right now she’s sleeping, her head tucked in her wing which she never does. I think it could be egg bound, I googled some pictures and it looks similar but I’m not sure. Do pet birds get pasty butt too? I’m not sure what this is, her bottom is red and dripping liquid, like she’s messed on herself


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Egg binding I think. Make sure she's drinking. Lubricate the area with some coconut oil (if you're comfortable to do so, but if you think you could face some problems then skip. Though it has helped my egg bound bird earlier). Keep her comfortable and separated. Take her to the vet ASAP. Good luck
It wasn’t what I thought it was, I think she was just clogged up or had poop stuck on her butt and her picking at it cause it to bleed. She is 9 years old so maybe it’s part of being an old lady bird lol
She is back to normal now
Edit: I tried really really hard to find a vet that sees exotics and I couldn’t at all. All of them are hours away, I live in a small area and the vets only see cats and dogs. I’m just glad it wasn’t egg bound or prolapse or anything else, like I said I think she was clogged lol but she is okay now
It wasn’t what I thought it was, I think she was just clogged up or had poop stuck on her butt and her picking at it cause it to bleed. She is 9 years old so maybe it’s part of being an old lady bird lol
She is back to normal now
Edit: I tried really really hard to find a vet that sees exotics and I couldn’t at all. All of them are hours away, I live in a small area and the vets only see cats and dogs. I’m just glad it wasn’t egg bound or prolapse or anything else, like I said I think she was clogged lol but she is okay now
Happy to hear that she’s all better!

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