Urgent - Huge swelled organ hanging from the mouth, tumor ?

Wow, never seen anything like that. Do you have any prednisone? I wonder if that would help? If she were mine I would tube fluids, then baby bird food.

There was only one thread that seems similar to my situation.... https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/763473/horrible-swollen-thing-coming-out-of-my-hens-mouth
The bird did not survive in that case. 

Unfortunately no prednisone. Couldnt come up with any on jeffers or TS site. Any recommendations on where I can get it ? 

Note: Thanks for the reference on tube feeding. 

Prednisone is one of those drugs that's almost impossible to get without a prescription, so I wouldn't bother... Tube feeding will keep her from dying of dehydration and starvation, so that's why I suggested it.
Good suggestion Kathy (casportpony), Prednisone slipped my mind.

I agree, it would be very hard to find without a prescription. If you have a relationship with a vet for any other pets you may have (dog/cat) you may be able to bend a sympathetic ear - email photos, etc., and they might give you a small amount of meds.

Keep us posted on her progress.
Update: The Red is still fighting it. Thanks to advise here and a detailed thread on "Go Team Tube Feeding", I was able to locate a "Urinary Catheter" and been feeding antibiotic and some liquid food for last two days.

As was the experience with the author of that thread, NONE of the animal hospitals had it, and some who had it would not sell unless we have "doctor - patient relationship". Ended up calling local pharmacy asking for "urinary catheter" and they referred to a local medical supplies company. They were very helpful in finding the right size, although they admitted this is the most bizzare request they experienced. I was just glad to they got good laugh out of it.

Back to Red, she is still in isolated box, sleeping most of the time. I am pretty sure the protruding swell is her breathing apparatus. Looks like the poison caused good amount of damage. Its hard / crusty now. I will get pics later today.

So question is, what now ? What happens to that lump. Will it ever fall off enabling her to feed on her own ? Thanks again.
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Update: The Red is still fighting it. Thanks to advise here and a detailed thread on "Go Team Tube Feeding", I was able to locate a "Urinary Catheter" and been feeding antibiotic and some liquid food for last two days.

As was the experience with the author of that thread, NONE of the animal hospitals had it, and some who had it would not sell unless we have "doctor - patient relationship". Ended up calling local pharmacy asking for "urinary catheter" and they referred to a local medical supplies company. They were very helpful in finding the right size, although they admitted this is the most bizzare request they experienced. I was just glad to they got good laugh out of it.

Back to Red, she is still in isolated box, sleeping most of the time. I am pretty sure the protruding swell is her breathing apparatus. Looks like the poison caused good amount of damage. Its hard / crusty now. I will get pics later today.

So question is, what now ? What happens to that lump. Will it ever fall off enabling her to feed on her own ? Thanks again.
Glad you were able to get a tube and are tube feeding. As for what will happen to the lump? I really don't know.
, guess it depends on what the lump was caused from. You might want to start weighing her daily to make sure she's getting enough to eat. In another post you mentioned giving her 125 mg of amoxicillin and I thought you might want to know that when my vet prescribed it for one of my peahens they prescribed 125 mg/kg (57 mg per pound) twice a day.
Glad you were able to get a tube and are tube feeding. As for what will happen to the lump? I really don't know.
, guess it depends on what the lump was caused from. You might want to start weighing her daily to make sure she's getting enough to eat. In another post you mentioned giving her 125 mg of amoxicillin and I thought you might want to know that when my vet prescribed it for one of my peahens they prescribed 125 mg/kg (57 mg per pound) twice a day.
Thanks again. I will start measuring weight. I have to go back and check but I read somewhere here on the amoxilicin dosage - 125mg twice a day so thats 250mg per day. I will check again and change dosage based on weight.
Glad you were able to get a tube and are tube feeding. As for what will happen to the lump? I really don't know. :idunno , guess it depends on what the lump was caused from. You might want to start weighing her daily to make sure she's getting enough to eat. In another post you mentioned giving her 125 mg of amoxicillin and I thought you might want to know that when my vet prescribed it for one of my peahens they prescribed 125 mg/kg (57 mg per pound) twice a day.

Thanks again. I will start measuring weight. I have to go back and check but I read somewhere here on the amoxilicin dosage - 125mg twice a day so thats 250mg per day. I will check again and change dosage based on weight. 

Other people have reported that their vets prescribed 125 mg/kg, and that's what all of the books I have say. :idunno
Update: Red passed away couple of hours ago. Although the swelling appeared to be hardened outside with no more bleeding, it may have interfered with her breaking.

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