URGENT- One of my newborn chickens has both his legs tucked up and is totally unable to walk

Here are 2 more photos. Hope you can help me a bit more. I'm afraid... I can't take him to a vet 'cause it's Sturday... oh, I should have taken him yesterday at night. I'm sorry for being annoying you guys, but I need desperately help...
Gosh guys

Glad I could help. When I saw the pics I thought it looked like slipped Achilles tendons, but I was hoping I'm wrong
I hope you can get it fixed! Here's some more info I found on it:

(A displaced Achilles tendon) can happen as the chick pushes off the eggshell or from being stepped on. When treated as soon as it happens it is simple to repair but after the chicks has dragged the joint on the floor there will be some swelling and abrasion making it very difficult to treat. The Achilles tendon connects the muscles in the tibia (drumstick) to the tarsal bone. This tendon normally slides in a groove across the back of the hock joint (at the line between the feathered part of the leg and where the scale covered part begins). If there is no swelling you can push this tendon back to the centre of the joint and suddenly the chick can stand on the leg.But if there is swelling in the joint and damaged skin the chick must be put in a "chick chair"or body sling to rest the leg so that it can heal.

And... here's another discussion with even more great info:


Here are 2 more photos. Hope you can help me a bit more. I'm afraid... I can't take him to a vet 'cause it's Sturday... oh, I should have taken him yesterday at night. I'm sorry for being annoying you guys, but I need desperately help...
No need to apologise! We're here to help each other
Have a look at my above post and the link (there's more articles etc there). There should be something there that will work for the poor thing.
Thank you! Uhmm... I found everything very helpful and I would love to apply them, but you see... If I put him in a chick chair shouldn't I first push the tendon back to the centre of the joint? I'm afraid to do so... Whever I try to stretch his legs to the maximum gently, which I think I have to do so the tendon can be pushed back, he starts making noise. It makes me pain...
Put it in the chick chair as he is for a bit and see if that swelling goes down. That will help.
It was actually going to all of you... Oh English, wish it had different word for the plural one... After that, I referred to Sumi for the site he told me about.
No, no I knew what you meant, but Sumi is always available with links and good info...so kudos to her and to you as well, hope you find a method for that chick!

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