URGENT questions how long once the hen is on the roost does it take

Karen 2739

In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
San Diego
I'm getting a little concerned. My hen just layed her first egg yesterday. Now she is on the nest and hasn't laid the egg for about 1 hour. It's very hot here. She's panting. I checked to see if I could see any egg emerging, but didn't want to upset her. Should I be concerned? All the girls are circled around her.
I wouldnt be to concerned. It can take several hours for them to lay an egg. She is just getting into the swing of things. She will be alright!

She may not have even layed anything. Just going through the motions

But yeah did she have any luck?

Thank you all for your help. She was just fine and laid her second egg ever, about a half hour after my post. The good news is that I was able to set her into the nest box, and that's where she laid the egg. She was initially sitting in the corner of the coop.

She got a little upset when I took the egg away. Should I not let them see me take the egg?
I sometimes take the egg from them after they're laid. Sometimes a hen will be in a laying box with a couple other eggs from other chickens, so I'll just reach my hand underneath her and pull out the other eggs. Most of the time they don't mind, but they do give you that look when you're pulling the egg away from them EVERY TIME!
Glad everything worked out! Your posts are so cute Karen....makes me smile. I remember the excitement just a couple of weeks ago when we got our first egg from our 5 hens. Now...over 30 eggs later and a couple of weeks...its old hat
Enjoy your babies.

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