
7 Years
Oct 22, 2016
Last week and owl broke into my bird pen and killed two of my chickens. I moved into them into a separate, safer coop, but it came back again last night. There's a predator net over the paddock. all of the chickens are elsewhere, none are harmed, but the owl is trapped. It did this last time and I let it out. If I let it out again will it just come back? What do I do with it? I live in Massachusetts. Is there someone I can call that will take it? It's not injured but it can't stay on my land, and I really don't want to have to kill it. It's a barred owl.
Call animal control in your area and see what they can do with it. they can probably tell if it's male or female and if it has a nest it needs to get back to. Sorry about your chickens! best of luck
Last week and owl broke into my bird pen and killed two of my chickens. I moved into them into a into a separate, safer coop, but it came back again last night. There's a predator net over the paddock. all of the chickens are elsewhere, none are harmed, but the owl is trapped. It did this last time and I let it out. If I let it out again will it just come back? What do I do with it? I live in Massachusetts. Is there someone I can call that will take it? It's not injured but it can't stay on my land, and I really don't want to have to kill it. It's a barred owl.View attachment 1692885

It's illegal to kill it. Just let it out. I doubt animal control will just take it for you.
You need to make your run safe from all predators, the owls included. It is not the owls fault that it went after your chickens. They are prey, it is predator and it needs to survive by hunting. It is the care taker's responsibility to keep the chickens safe.
It's illegal to kill it. Just let it out. I doubt animal control will just take if for you.
You need to make your run safe from all predators, the owls included. It is not the owls fault that it went after your chickens. They are prey, it is predator and it needs to survive by hunting. It is the care taker's responsibility to keep the chickens safe.
I totally Agree

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