using a lightbulb for brooder

Oct 16, 2020
hey guys,

I've been using regular lightbulbs for heat in my brooders, as I live in HAwaii and it's not all that cold even at night. (and my red brooder lamps all burned out.)

Is this a problem? I just read that quail can't sleep if there is a light in their brooder. Right now, I have some 2 week olds in with my older quail, so I have a light in their coop for the babies. Do you think it's okay for my big ones?

(even when the babies are not in with the adults, though, I always have a lamp going somewhere in the coop or in a nearby one. As I put my chicks outside after about 5 days or a week.)

Do you think I'm screwing up their sleep?

(worth noting: where I live, and red brooder light is simply too hot for anything besides the first week. I've switched to red at night sometimes, but...those bulbs are really pricey. Especially when a single, low wattage bulb does the trick.)
It isn't that harmful for them, red light is better because it seems to have a calming effect on them, plus, it keeps them from pecking at bloody wounds, or a spot of blood.
White light does seem to make them more nervous and they can spot blood alot easier than with a red bulb.

When they become fully feathered out and can regulate their own temperature, I turn the lamps off and the only light they get is whatever ambient light comes through the windows. Sometimes I have left a 5watt red bulb on in their brooder due to the fact that if a bug gets into the brooder and it's dark, they go berserk not being able to see it....I would too, if something crawled across my foot at night! :lau

PS: a blue light works the same as a red one.
If you can find red high temp paint, you can paint the bulb but you need to condition the bulb first before installing it in the the lamp. Turn it on and let it burn off any harmful VOC's before installing.
I use a regular incandescent light. As far as I can tell, during the first few weeks they'll sleep anywhere, anytime, lights on or lights off. The weeks will pass fast enough, then they'll be outside with whatever light schedule you have the rest of the birds on.
Have you tried ceramic heat bulbs like the ones used for reptiles? I currently have one going right now. I have all different wattages from 50w to 200w depending on surrounding temps. 6CBA5072-F248-41BC-8D77-7604CFB8CFB3.jpeg
I've used regular incandescent for years without issue. Have used the red heat lamps too. I prefer the incandescent and I run them on a dimmer switch so I can control heat output without raising and lowering the bulb.

I considered using ceramic heat bulbs but I do not like the fact that I cannot tell whether it is on or off since it emits no light. With regular bulbs I'll know as soon as a bulb goes out. I also use two bulbs in each brooder in case one goes out while I'm not around, they will still get some heat from the other bulb and won't die....

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