Using eggshells instead of grit


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2023
I was looking for alternatives to buying grit for my chickens and found online that you can use eggshells? Has anyone tried this and had any success? Would you recommend trying it or not?
I don’t think egg shells can replace grit…which is necessary to grind to break down food in the crop.

They can however be used in addition to oyster shells to supplement calcium. Not sure if they can totally replace oyster shells, I think I’ve read something about they are a good short term source of quick calcium but don’t suffice for long term? 🤔
I don’t think egg shells can replace grit…which is necessary to grind to break down food in the crop.

They can however be used in addition to oyster shells to supplement calcium. Not sure if they can totally replace oyster shells, I think I’ve read something about they are a good short term source of quick calcium but don’t suffice for long term? 🤔
Yes I know I read that too gotta get some oyster shells!!
Agreed you need grit. I can't find the paper now.... but I read it essentially takes 3 egg shells to give enough calcium for one egg. Metabolic demands and losses. It's kinda entropy in a way.
Washed sea shell grit around here is $2 per kg. It's in a mini feeder and lasts them a long time as free choice. Pelleted feed is often calcium supplemented. Oyster shell the same.... grit is a much more dense form of calcium than egg shells which you can't ever possibly have enough of to make up for losses.
grit is a much more dense form of calcium
Grit is different and usually granite crushed to different sizes or birds pick small rocks and is not a calcium supplement it is collected in the gizzard and used to grind up their feed as they have no teeth. Oyster shell and eggshell are calcium supplements for replacing calcium for egg layers. It can come in a manufactured form as well it is usually crushed oyster shells and coral reformed. Grit and calcium supplements are two different things all birds eating things other than ground processed feed need grit, usually only laying birds need a calcium supplement.
No they need grit. Egg shell is for calcium. If they're outside they can find their own grit usually
Crushed eggshells are not used as grit. They're used to supplement calcium.
Grit is finally ground stones that will remain in their gizzard to help them grind up their food.

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