Vamp's hatching crew! who cares what day u r on!Hatch with us!

im on the begining of day 2... LOL

i got some desiginer eggs from tipy ,... BR, EE, brahma.. lol.. should be cute
in like 20
2manyhats, what are you hatching? I'd give them another day or so. They might just be a bit behind. That's what is the most scary to me- that mine will go all the way to day 21 and then nothing happens. What do you do? lol.

I'm sure yours will be fine. Please keep us updated!
Forgot to say that I candled mine again yesterday and I saw 3 embryos move!!!
It was an amazing thing to watch. I saw a shadowy outline and a big, dark, black round spot. Is that the eye?? I tried to take pics but my cam won't focus on the embryo.
Yes that is the eye. Congratulations on your babies growing. What day are you on? I am on Day 11 with my silkies and I have three movers and shakers too! lol

So far I have had three power outages in the last two days with this heat wave. I didn't even turn my eggs last night because the power was out and I had a blanket over the bator. I didn't want to lose any of the precious heat in there.

I sure hope they hatch okay or I will just cry.
On day 15 with my mixed eggies... and day 11 with my silkies...
I'm biting finger nails here! I can't wait until monday!!!!!!!!!!! I have 9 moving around and for friday I have 3 hopefuls and 1 maybe!
i'm on day 14 with 11 salmon favorelle. Only darkness and air space at the big end when I candle. Using a homemade candler but hole is pretty small. Does the darkness mean they are developing correctly? Oh, and they are much lighter than they were on day 1.
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Vamp-A-Billy Princess update
I am updating for Vamp: She is on day 13ish and has lots of movement in her eggies. A couple look a little weird so they are a mystery.
More on them later.
She is doing okay.

Vamp's mom.
I have 1 cayuga duck hatching now, 2 others not doing anything yet, plus there are 5 ckicken eggs that my broody gave up on, they are pretty far along, should hatch soon!

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