Very badly infested rooster Mites or lice?? How do you get the eggs off?


12 Years
Sep 5, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Hello to all, I have a rooster who was and still is infested by mites or lice, really I think both. Okay this is what has been done that leads up to now. First I noticed the mites, very significant feather loss and pale wattles and combs. Dusted with sevin dust and gave proper dosage based on weight of Noromectin (ivermectin) one month ago. Result was the parasites all fell off and his skin looked great, but as I was looking him over around his vent feathers which there are plenty of are HUGE clusters of what look like white eggs at the base of each feather quill. I though did the treatment I gave him kill ALL those eggs? No it did not. He looks like crap right now. Like I never did anything to him. It's like every egg on his body hatched and exploded with mites and lice. Some one please help me, recommend something. How do I get the eggs off? The egg clusters are really big like it weighs the feather down. I tried to cut them off and the scissors need a lot of force. Thanks So much -- Yvette
Coconut oil will dissolve the nits after the bugs are dead I have read on BYC (you can search), but it takes some time.

You must keep retreating with your sevin (off-label) every week or so until the bugs are dead, throwing out bedding and spraying coop too to get the hatching eggs.
Here's a thread that was recently reactivated that you might want to look through.
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The coconut oil needs to be unrefined coconut oil. It comes in a jar at health food stores. You liquidate can put some in a smaller jar and float it in warm water. It doesn't take much heat. Here in FL now it is liquid on its own. You put it on the egg sacs and it dissolves them....just not instantly. It hought when I used it that it didn't work but a day or so later they were gone....and ditto the 10 day retreat.
Thank you guys sooo much for your responses. I will let you know how it goes.

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