Very sick chicken

Ooooops! I have corrected the word, spell check made it Tylenol.

However, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but Tylan will not treat an infection in the digestive system. Yellow or straw colored runny droppings may be the result of enteritis:
Thanks everyone for the input. I am really trying to save this lady, but it is so hard. Since coccidiosis was mentioned and since she was continuing to lose weight even before she stopped eating I purchased some corid at Tractor Supply and put in her water as soon as I got home. Also gave her some honey. Should I put the electrolytes and probiotic in the same water? I have not seen any blood in her poop, so don't know if this could be it or not. Could it be a cancer somewhere?
If all of the birds you got were extremely thin, especially if this one that's sick was the lowest in the pecking order, it's possible she was even more malnourished than everyone else, and the malnourishment has potentially damaged her organs. Cancer in chickens I do know is found in the hybrid mix, Cornish Cross, that are the kind you buy in the store to eat (I say "you" as a general statement, but, as you may be a vegetarian, please don't take offense). They have lots of systemic problems they can get, from heart to cancers to bone breakage to even more. Otherwise, as far as I am aware, cancers are pretty rare.
You could try baby vitamins, like poly-vi-sol (or the generic store-brand variety, if you're like me, LOL!), the kind without iron in it, and add that to the mix of electrolytes you're giving her. I second the mention of honey, which is full of all sorts of good stuff (including antibiotic properties!), although molasses, which I think was also mentioned (if I recall correctly), can have a laxative effect, and if she's already suffering from runny poo, it might be risky.
Thanks, I did not want to use the molasses just in case there is any yeasty stuff going on. Afraid the sugar in the molasses would make it worse. Maybe tomorrow I will go and get the vitamin if she is still with us. I really don't know how she is still alive now. She has not eaten since Sunday. I may put a 1/8 tsp or so of the layer crumbs to dissolve in the electrolytes and see if I can get some in her that way. It will still be real, real watery. I might have to decide soon that it is time to let her go.
know how hard it is to fight to keep critters alive. You get so emotionally invested in it, and it hurts when it doesn't seem to be working. Sending positive thoughts your way! You're doing the very best you can do, and that's all anyone can ask of you. If nothing else, you are comforting her and showing you care.
Thanks Nightowl223 for the kind words and the encouragement. It has been so stressful trying to figure it out and trying to decide which advice I should go with first.
I don't want to be to optimistic, but she seems to be a TINY be better today. I did go and get the baby vitamins and gave her a drop today along with the other stuff. She was alert and put up a little struggle when I would open her beak to syringe feed. We will see how it is tomorrow. If she makes it thru this it will be truly a miracle and I will be very grateful. I had to get out of the wildlife rescue work I did in FL because of the stress and sadness when I would lose some. The days right before I knew release time was coming was bad too, but when I saw how happy they were helped. Anyway, back to Ms Comet, I will continue to try as long as she has life or until it seems she is in pain or suffering. We have only had her a short time, but when we take in an animal we get attached so fast and it is for their life. Sorry for the long post. Thanks again I really do appreciate your kind words. Faye
Nothing wrong with long posts here, hon. We understand.

I have, at times, been on the front end of the wildlife rescues.
I even cared for a tiny Canadian Goose gosling a few years ago, after a tornado went through the area. She had been found trotting as fast up the road as her maybe 2-3 day old legs could move her towards my sister-in-law's house. She went up to my SIL, crying, and she gave her water and chicken feed (she has chickens, too), and called me. I took care of the little sweetie for nearly 2 full weeks until I could arrange a meeting with a qualified and trustworthy rehabber, and - though I'd promised myself I would never get into waterfowl - I fell in love!
So, almost as soon as I had gotten the orphan delivered, a friend got me two goslings of a tame breed, Chinese Brown. They're adults now, and I had hoped I had a pair, but it doesn't appear to be the case. *sigh* What I do appear to have is a seriously mean male and a more docile male.
I may have to rehome the meanest one, because he terrorizes my adult youngest son (who doesn't even try to make friends with him), and he has left bruises on my elderly mother.
I was so wanting to have a pair, so I could have little ones again... makes it easy to decide which one to keep, if I can find a female.

The loss of critters is the hardest thing, so I can easily understand how you would get to the point where you could no longer do it every day for the wildlife. I thank you for what you did, though, during that time. It's one of the important jobs that often gets overlooked.

Oh, and by the way, that wasn't a long post for this site. It was just fine!
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Thank you Nightowl223. Sorry to hear that you may have to rehome you "Meanie" but it sounds like you have no choice.

I am very happy to report (hope I am not getting my hopes to soon) but Ms Comet is showing slight signs of improvement.
She is actually starting to show a little interest in food and ate from the bowl some of the yogurt, ground grubs and layer crumbles I mixed up and was syringe feeding. Yesterday I did not have to "puke" her as her crop was empty. I could not feel anything, no liquid or no grit that I could feel. Once she starts eating more regularly I will need to find out what to feed to help her gain some weight back. This girl has nothing but feathers and bone. Today is the last day for the corid. I will continue with the probiotics and electrolytes and honey. I did get the baby vitamins and have given them once a day. When she is well she may hate me and chase me every time she sees me.

I want to thank everyone for all the help and encouragement. Will post her progress.

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