Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

That is really interesting about the sperm being killed off, I think it still happens to own species sperm also? but I could be wrong, I just remember seeing a doco ages ago. If you find the link I'd love to have a read.

Yeah your pied and white guineas seem to have the same genetic relationship as our pied and white peafowl.... If I breed 2 pieds together I get 100% pied offspring nothing else, you put pied to non pied and I'm sure they are all still pied but some are only very minor like a few white flights or less.

Yes it does with same-species to a lesser degree.. IIRC, it made no mention of why same-species sperm was not affected as much. I'm guessing same species sperm has defenses/adaptions for making it through. Different species might not have the same adaptions and probably have different surface proteins making it easier for the immune system to detect and destroy. Then there are special cases where the female is able to store viable sperm for quite a good while... weeks, months...

The peafowl genetics is different. There are two separate genes- pied and white. White happens independently of pied- ie, two blue parents can be split for white(they look normal except for some white flight feathers) will produce blues, blue split white and whites. No pied at all. Pied gene needs to be 'combined' with white gene in the same bird to create the splashy pied birds. from comments it's often read as if they are alleles but did not get to test if this is factual or not(some experiments with my silver pieds seemed to conflict with oft repeated claims about silver pied genetics, shrug)
Good morning all,
Hi again Bemba. I wasn't clear on how many of these little hybridized cuties you finally wound up with. Was there three altogether? Are they all as cute as the one pictured? I tried to go back over the posts and figure it out myself but got lost....

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