Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

My dad didn't believe me when I told him my only guinea which is a female has been fertilized by my male rooster. Can't wait to build a depressed enclosure so I can start collecting her eggs. Are guinea eggs different looking then chickens?

Thats great more hybrids on the way woooohooo everyone here just loves hybrids so much
Aren't most male mules are gelded because they will become obnoxious and dangerous like ungelded jacks and stallions and they will engage in mating behavior?  however their sperm just is not fertile due to chromosomes being uneven.

Many female mules will have estrus cycles..  think most are still infertile though?

But it has been bought up that perhaps perception of very low fertility might be due to lack of access of intact males to the fertile mules...  also stallions can be choosy about breeding and may refuse to breed mules(mares tend to be not very choosy when in full heat).    I haven't seen anything about mules being particular about mates.   So potentially there could be a fertile mule with an intact stallion but you would never know it as the stallion refuses to breed her....

It would be interesting to have herds of cycling mules with intact male mules, jacks and/or stallions...  especially jacks and stallions trained to accept jennies as breeding prospects.

Yes I agree
This type of hybrid is 100% infertile and will die within 18 months but she can breed more so no issues there

Interesting, and good to know, thanks for the information. I'm not a fan of hybrids personally but they fascinate me. I am getting pure Reichenow's guineafowl this year, until recently I kept all 4 Gallus species, although I've never kept wild red jungle fowl, only domestic chickens I still have grey and cylon junglefowl, I still have servals at my place in FL (one half of the savanna cat hybrid) but I sold my pair of Asian leopard cats (one half of the Bengal cat hybrid) but I don't produce either Savanna or Bengal cats, in fact I have never crossed any of my birds or mammals, I don't even mix subspecies when breeding. I don't have a problem with others doing it as long as they don't try to pass the offspring off as pure, it is just not what I like to do.
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Interesting, and good to know, thanks for the information. I'm not a fan of hybrids personally but they fascinate me. I am getting pure Reichenow's guineafowl this year, until recently I kept all 4 Gallus species, although I've never kept wild red jungle fowl, only domestic chickens I still have grey and cylon junglefowl, I still have servals at my place in FL (one half of the savanna cat hybrid) but I sold my pair of Asian leopard cats (one half of the Bengal cat hybrid) but I don't produce either Savanna or Bengal cats, in fact I have never crossed any of my birds or mammals, I don't even mix subspecies when breeding. I don't have a problem with others doing it as long as they don't try to pass the offspring off as pure, it is just not what I like to do.
We have 2 seal mink bengal cats, one of them is somewhere around an F5-F7 They are beautiful cats! I absolutely love servals!
This post is directed to Philter4

Sorry to butt in on your post. I saw that you were quoted about something and in this it mentioned you were getting some Reichenow's guinea fowl.
Not that I would like to get some, but were did you manage to find these guys ?
I realize you live in CA, do not which part:: North, South or Central.
Will the weather effect your Guineas like the Vulture type Guineas?
I only know of one or two others on BYC that have these.
Please do let us know when you get them so I can subscribe to you posts on them.
I can only vicariously enjoy !
Best Ragards:
Guinea G.
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My dad didn't believe me when I told him my only guinea which is a female has been fertilized by my male rooster. Can't wait to build a depressed enclosure so I can start collecting her eggs. Are guinea eggs different looking then chickens?
My guineas hens have just started laying. The VERY first egg was teeny. In fact so small that I first mistook it for a puffball from the yard. Since then they have been normal and are half the size of my Banty eggs, and a quarter of the size of my large fowl.
Left to Right are Polish Crested, normal Guinea Fowl, Bantam Cochin, and starter egg from Guinea.
My guineas hens have just started laying. The VERY first egg was teeny. In fact so small that I first mistook it for a puffball from the yard. Since then they have been normal and are half the size of my Banty eggs, and a quarter of the size of my large fowl. Left to Right are Polish Crested, normal Guinea Fowl, Bantam Cochin, and starter egg from Guinea.
I think my guineas eggs are small pointy white ones but not sure. They all have em mixed up.
This post is directed to Philter4

Sorry to butt in on your post. I saw that you were quoted about something and in this it mentioned you were getting some Reichenow's guinea fowl.
Not that I would like to get some, but were did you manage to find these guys ?
I realize you live in CA, do not which part:: North, South or Central.
Will the weather effect your Guineas like the Vulture type Guineas?
I only know of one or two others on BYC that have these.
Please do let us know when you get them so I can subscribe to you posts on them.
I can only vicariously enjoy !
Best Ragards:
Guinea G.

I'm in Northern CA, in the mountains near Lake Tahoe. It gets cold here so I heat my barns for the birds and mammals that need it. Each of my bird flight pens is 40X10, and either 6 or 8 ft tall and has a 7X10 ft barn on one end. At the barn is also a protected area that is 5X10 that has a double door so I can make it fully enclosed on 3 sides and has a clear plastic cover on the 4th, this is so I can still let the birds "out" in bad weather and they are protected from the wind and rain/snow.

As far as the Reichenow's are concerned there are a few around, I am getting mine Joel, the member here who breeds casuawarys. I have kept vulturine guineas for a few years now, they breed well, because of the mild winter this year I've already seen my cock try to mount one of the hens, but I don't think she was happy, it is still too early for them to be breeding, but if they lay any eggs I'm going to set them under a brooding royal palm turkey I have just in case.

I don't post that often, not for any reason, I just don't have time mostly, but when I see something that really interests me Iike hybrids I pay attention. I'll post when I get the Reichenow's and/or when the vulturine guineas breed.

If you need any other info, PM me so the thread stays on topic, I would be more then happy to answer any other questions you might have if I can but I am new to birds as a hobby, my knowledge is in species relationships and mammals.

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