VERY young bantam golden seabright...suggestions on sex?

Timeout, AHHH there are two different golden varieties?! Ahh shoot! I'm not sure, so I guess we will have to wait until he is a little older and I'll post some more pics! Also, I was not aware they were true blue..err gold lol bantams... pretty neat info! Thank you ;)

Yokohomamama - he's very sweet... and follows me all over the durn place outside!

Thank you pacman and dretd! LOL i'm 100% that i'm female as well ;) bahahaha sorry had to. I'll post some recent shots of him... so far his crop comes and goes.. so that's been fine. I was worried because he is my first chick. I have ducks about to pip soon, and decided to expand over to a bantam chick for starting out.... If this helps any, he peeps, but he also makes this gurgled peep.. not like crowing, it's hard to explain.
That's my first thought on seeing this chick. Future dinner....LOL (the rare breeds taste the best!)
ahhhh! which chick for dinner?! you know... they sorta outlawed cannibalism
I can't see what's making everyone so sure he's a male.

Here is my citron Sebright. I have two Sebright chicks; this citron and a chamois (buff laced). Really hoping they're girls for my cockerel.

How old is Pipper now?
How absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!! I can see the difference in color now. Pippers passed away this weekend. =/ I believe it was a dumb error on my part because he had plenty of water/food/heat. Crushed, he was such a sweet, beautiful bird. I have mallards internally pipping now, and BEI ducks soon behind... but he was my only chicken and had devoted much time to him alone (let him indoors and out).
Sigh, i put some bedding in.... that was meant for my daughter's guinea pig (don't ask why i never tossed it out?). It's the kind that is packed tight but supposed to take up more space when taken apart and fluffed. I think he ate some of it..... -_- It was only temporary fix for a day, but apparently, more permanent than intended. I'm not sure if that's what caused it, I suspect it though. Ideas?

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