Vet says gapeworm, recommends unavailable treatment; options?

If you want to try tetracyline, go buy a bag and let me know which one you get, then I can tell you how many grams to use. The one that most stores carry is Duramycin 10 or Terra Vet 10.


I got the Duramycin-10. FYI -- I don't know if this everywhere or just my state, but an employee told me that it will only be legal for vets to sell tetracycline starting January 1. So stock up now!
If you want to try tetracyline, go buy a bag and let me know which one you get, then I can tell you how many grams to use. The one that most stores carry is Duramycin 10 or Terra Vet 10.


I got the Duramycin-10. FYI -- I don't know if this everywhere or just my state, but an employee told me that it will only be legal for vets to sell tetracycline starting January 1. So stock up now!

Fear not, pigeon supply websites will still sell that sort of stuff.

Anyway, let me go check my notes on the Duramycin 10.

Does your gram scale weigh sub 2 grams?

One gram of the tetracyline you have has 55 mg tetracyline, so you need to give her 1.1 grams twice a day. Confirm this by telling the vet that your powder is:
10 grams tetracyline in 181.5 grams.

Does your gram scale weigh sub 2 grams?

One gram of the tetracyline you have has 55 mg tetracyline, so you need to give her 1.1 grams twice a day. Confirm this by telling the vet that your powder is:
10 grams tetracyline in 181.5 grams.


Waiting for confirmation from him. My scale does measure from 1 gram, but only in whole numbers. Do you think this is a huge issue for 1.1 grams? Also, do I just mix the 1.1 grams with however much water is needed to create a liquid that can be used in a syringe? Is this what you would do under the circumstances, or would you just mix it into the drinking water and assume she'll get enough of it? And finally, where can I send you flowers or chocolate? ;)
Does your gram scale weigh sub 2 grams?

One gram of the tetracyline you have has 55 mg tetracyline, so you need to give her 1.1 grams twice a day. Confirm this by telling the vet that your powder is:

10 grams tetracyline in 181.5 grams.


Waiting for confirmation from him. My scale does measure from 1 gram, but only in whole numbers. Do you think this is a huge issue for 1.1 grams? Also, do I just mix the 1.1 grams with however much water is needed to create a liquid that can be used in a syringe? Is this what you would do under the circumstances, or would you just mix it into the drinking water and assume she'll get enough of it? And finally, where can I send you flowers or chocolate? ;)

1.1 grams should be about 1/3 teaspoon, so check that. I would mix it in as little water as possible and give it orally.

@timebider , did you figure it out?


@casportpony , I'm trying right now. The vet confirmed your calculation of 1.1 grams. I don't trust my scale because it is giving varying results for the same amount so I'm trying to figure out the teaspoon conversion. A unit converter I found shows that 1.1 grams equals very slightly less than a quarter of a teaspoon (0.22 to be exact). So I think I'm going to do a quarter of a teaspoon twice a day in just enough water to create a liquid I can feed with a syringe. Does that sound right? (I can't believe I've spent practically all day trying to track down vets, drugs and dosages. LOL)
You can't convert powders the same way you can with liquid. One teaspoon of water will weigh more than one teaspoon of powder. Trust me on this, I have actually weighed many powders, and almost all that we use for chickens weigh ~3 grams per teaspoon.


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