vibrating feet cant stand or walk


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Yesterday my cayuga duck hatched however it was shrink wrapped and i had to help it. Its full of life eating drinking and a bundle of joy however it still cant stand or walk it sort of shuffles using its legs like padles of a boat. also it vibrates its feet so fast that you can hear it tapping on the floor. Any ideas??
What type of floor surface is it on? It needs good traction to sort out how to walk. Give it water mixed with a drop polyvisol (without iron) and a dash of sugar. It may take some time for your little one to work things out.
whats polyvisol and its shavings on plastic and it was slipery so ive put a slip mat down aswell so that should be ok any idea about its feet vibrating or is that normal??
Not sure 100% on very young ducklings, but sometimes a nutritional deficiency, in niacin or perhaps thiamine can cause neurological and/or leg problems. So vitamins are a very good idea.
I would not have baby on shavings this soon. I would recommend a soft towel.

Polyvisol is a human infant vitamin drop that is found at any store that has a pharmacy or vitamin supplements, like Walmart, Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc.
The vitamins and sugar seem to give babies a good boost when they were difficult to hatch. And as I recall, your baby was a just a touch on the premature side. Good traction is critical at this time while they figure out how to walk.

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