Vinyl shower curtain for privacy?

I have pinned up a piece on curtain material in front of one of my nest boxes. They love it, EVERYONE started laying in there once the curtain was up. It's because hen's like to lay in a safe place, and what's safer than a hiding place? My little d'uccle also sleeps in there when it's really cold out, I figure its because the curtain creates a smaller space for her to heat up so she stays warmer.
curtains o the laying boxes is great I use burlap. I would skip the shower curtin and use something that breaths better.
ok so do you cut holes in the burlap or just let it hang? I have 6 nesting boxes in the coop. 3 on each side with dividers in between each. If I use a curtain of some type I would use 1 for each box, but unsure if they will go into the box with the curtain there. Does your chickens just push right thru the curtains?
I cut mine up so it's kind of like strips hanging down. I find it better than one big piece because it stops it dragging out any straw and getting caught
That is what I thought about after I posted. I think they would use it if it was like that. I have 1 pullet that loves to explore anything, including a baby water snake that was in my yard. I mean it was tiny, so it probably couldn't have bit any part of her. Funny thing, she made a distress/warning call and my roo was right there. so cute.
I let the burlap hang from the top of the box, but only hang about 3/4 of the way so that the chickens can peak under the burlap and see there is a box under there.

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