Virgin Chicken owner...the beginning of the journey!

Little Amelia gave me a fright yesterday. Her breast area was HUGE!!!! I was so worried!!!
So I did what any sane person would do in that situation.... I asked google why my chickens breast was huge....

Turns out it seems she over-ate from the new rosebushes, sunflowers and mint so her crop was big. Silly girl... I thought chickens would quit eating when they were full! Apparently not. Another day, another lesson learned.
Thanks again google for your plethora of information. I have googled more about chickens than I ever imagined I would (Don't google chicks gagging by the way. Type out chickens or pullets for goodness sake) and they're only....... about two months old! My babies are growing up!

To be continued.....

We all go through this when we start out. Keep up with the updates.

Mine had cancer of the neck. For sure! Turned out to be a normal crop after a big dinner! Who knew?

The other thing was dust bathing! They definitely need counseling! For sure!
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Aretha was swinging!!!!! Funniest thing I've ever seen!! She looked really comfortable up there too so it must be a regular happening because she wasn't scared at all!! So awesome.
Are you providing them with grit? If they're eating all those veggies, they need grit. Glad you're enjoying your little flock. Good save on the little sick chick. Hope she lives long and prospers!
Thank you!! I have not been giving grit! I thought they were fine with the chick starter food.

I guess I will begin though because little amelia's crop is swollen up again dangit.... Once again, only her though. Poor girl.

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