
I'm from va. Frederick co. We just got our first chicks. This is our first time raising them. We have 3 rir,2 barred rocks and 6 silkies.
I live in the Richmond area and am ready to buy my first chicks. Where is a good place to go?

Welcome to the Virginia Thread!, what breeds are you interested in? Or what purposes were you looking for?

I'm from va. Frederick co. We just got our first chicks. This is our first time raising them. We have 3 rir,2 barred rocks and 6 silkies.

Welcome to the Virginia thread also!!, You have some nice breeds there, good luck with your chickens!
I want good egg layers that are docile and friendly (I have kids). I was thinking Buff Orphingtons and Black Americaunas. I know these do well in the winter but am concerned how they handle the hot, humid summer
It is hard to resist the pull... I work two blocks from them... Lunch real is full of will power!

I have to admire your self-control. I'm 15 minutes from them and I'm having a hard time staying away!! (If they get in Brown Leghorns this week, I'm in big trouble!)

Noticed you're from Varina. When we moved back to the area, I wanted to live in Varina, but the East End has changed a lot in 10 years. When I graduated from VHS, it was still in the middle of a corn field...occasionally someone would ride a horse to school. Now it looks like subdivisions have sprung up everywhere. The 895 toll road cut one of my sister's schoolmates farm in half.
I have a non-chicken related question. Does anyone know of someone selling used, empty, livestock mineral tubs in the Stafford or Fredericksburg area? Can anyone point me in a direction to look? I have tried Craigslist for several months and asked at TSC and put a notice on their board.

On topic, I am finally getting 6 eggs most days from 7 hens and number 7 is broody. She is never going to hatch anything as the eggs are lumpy and uncomfortable. They get pushed to the side while she snuggles down in the shavings

I don't know what it is with my chickens this year but they have dug up every inch of their yard! 7 hens and 1 rooster and a 40' x 70' run is worked to bare ground and has holes all over it. Looks like a minefield! This is the third year they have been in the same run and the first time they have dug it up like this.

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