Virulent Newcastle's Disease in Los Angeles County CA

That article does not help me feel any better
this is horrible - the wondering
it's just one bird the rest are fine - fingers crossed nothing comes of this
When you took your bird to the vet did the vet give you a time frame for getting the test results back?
There are quite a few chicken diseases out there that present with sneezing.
I don't think you need/should worry/stress yourself out so quick.
Wait for the results and then make a plan.
He didn't take any samples ie no tests just looked her over gave me some doxy and told me to call again in a week
But the first words out of his mouth when I came in were Newcastle - my response was she's been vaccinated - so worried - no good deed goes unpunished

And sadly I'm over the legal number of hens - cause when ordering 4 they sent me 8
He didn't take any samples ie no tests just looked her over gave me some doxy and told me to call again in a week
But the first words out of his mouth when I came in were Newcastle - my response was she's been vaccinated - so worried - no good deed goes unpunished

And sadly I'm over the legal number of hens - cause when ordering 4 they sent me 8
Is your hen improving with the medicine?

Why did he not take sample to have them sent for testing?

If the vet didn't think is was serious enough to take samples then you might be worrying yourself too much.
Its only been 1 day with the doxy
like your thinking re: not taking samples - comforting thought
But the receptionist did call after I left to confirm my address - which I find a bit odd
Nothing I can do - moving the birds hiding the birds - that's just wrong
thinking if no one shows up within the next 7-10 days then no one will
just got to sweat it out and hope for the best

Greatly appreciate the positive thoughts!
Thank you!
From the Chicken Health Handbook:
2 to 15 days.
Progression: Starts suddenly, spreads rapidly, runs through flock in about 5 days.
Percentage affected: Up to 100%.
Mortality: Usually less than 10%, primarily among birds with nervous signs.
Resembles: Coryza, infectious bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases, excepy Newcastle may include nervous signs; pox (wet).
How does the DFA pull jurisdiction on entering private property? If you have an attorney can you file for an injunction?
I am not sure who you are asking, but can you ask this a different way.
I am not understanding the question.
So sorry to worry you, Caring1. I just wanted to emphasize how very important it is for CA chicken keepers to be very strict with biosecurity right now. I hope your bird improves!
We've always been pretty tight biologically - we've added the car tire scrub to our ritual now though.

Our little red hen is greatly improved & putting on weight.
Vet's office called today to 'check in' and they were pleased with the report as well -
so less worried about masked white cull-matons heading our way YaY!

Very grateful for the support, care and concern expressed in this forum - thank you all!

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