Virulent Newcastle's Disease in Los Angeles County CA

So, are they going door to door? How will they know who has chickens or birds? And what procedures will they use to stop cross contamination as they go?
Yes...going door to door. One person knocks while the other looks to see any sight of keeping poultry. Sadly....the people who went to my friends house used NO biosecurity. They did not come in direct contact with her flock, as she has them contained to coop and run as ordered. BUT they were on her property :rant:he I would hope and demand that they have proper biosecurity before handling my flock!
I'm keeping an eye on this. Not in California but just next door in AZ.

Inspectors should be using better biosecurity measures. I might have taken video and sent that to the news.
I'm keeping an eye on this. Not in California but just next door in AZ.

Inspectors should be using better biosecurity measures. I might have taken video and sent that to the news.
That's actually a great idea! I will suggest it to my friend....i think the first visit just caught her by surprise. She knew she was in a quarantine area and already had her birds locked down. Any free ranging birds in quarantine areas are automatically subject to be NOTHING to take lightly!!!!
That's actually a great idea! I will suggest it to my friend....i think the first visit just caught her by surprise. She knew she was in a quarantine area and already had her birds locked down. Any free ranging birds in quarantine areas are automatically subject to be NOTHING to take lightly!!!!

So they come back again?
They were at her property once she knows of to serve the quarantine and testing they will be back to test all of her birds. Takes 2 days to get results scary!!!!

Oh wow! Keep us updated, I can't imagine the stress folks are feeling over this. I hope your flocks stay safe.
Oh wow! Keep us updated, I can't imagine the stress folks are feeling over this. I hope your flocks stay safe.
Will do!!! I put the info up on the southern California thread too...but not much traffic on that one. Fortunately I am not in or near the current quarantine a remote mountain area so hopefully we won't have any cases here. But need to get the info out so people are aware and careful. Keeping closed flock is really the best policy for matter where you are located in southern California
They should use plastic shoe covers that they change for each place they go that has chickens... And, if they handle or confiscate a sick bird they should change clothes and use gloves. They will be covering a lot of ground in a short time and it is possible to contaminate every yard with birds that they walk into and not just with Newcastles, but anything else they may have picked up. If they are doing nothing, it is because they don't care about personal backyard flocks, just the chicken industry/egg producers. Looks like to me the focus is to search and destroy... Happily, I am not in the search area/quarantine boundaries, but if I were, I would keep protective shoe covers and demand they be used by them before allowing them on the property. Even plastic grocery bags could be used as shoe covers. Otherwise, these people are acting to spread disease not contain it.
Posting this link which show a history of the progression of the last outbreak of this deadly disease in 2002/2003... It is really scary... It eventually spread across the western states as far as Texas... Unfortunately, I was unable to access any of the maps which showed progression and affected areas (probably because they have been taken down due to too long ago). But, the facts and figures are all there. I hope they can contain it sooner this time. Fact of the matter is that it is spread by wild birds and migratory flocks that can't be found or destroyed. So, protect your birds from contact with wild birds and keep them home/confined. Those who have covered runs with 1/2 inch hardware cloth should rejoice in their foresight.
Good morning! Here us a map of areas under quarantine for Newcastles :(

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