Viva Las Vegas!

Very cute!!

This was my first coop

Then I put this together, to give them more room.
Not very pretty but the girls are happy.
We are trying to figure out plans for a dun now. My girls are only 2 no and 1 no old so we have a little time I hope before they feel crowded..

Also my girls aren't getting along. Any advice.. 2mo old Banty is now missing its comb and keeps pecking at just one of the RIs... do the chicks know which ones are male and female at this point? the one shes singling out is the smallest by just a tad. But also makes a different noise kinda like a rolled "r" sound and Banty will peck after that sound even chase her down peck once then walk away? Chicken behavior is so new to me. Is there a thread or book or something I can read to help me understand them?
Everything that I know I learned on here. Is your Banty at the top of the pecking order? Who was pecking at her comb? It could be that they need more room... You could put who ever is causing the most trouble in time out of 12-24 hours. It kinda knocks them down in the pecking order. Might make her behave better.

Sorry I did not respond sooner. I have been outside all afternoon with my girls. I moved the six babies that hatched last week outside. Yea! No more chicks in the house!
Hello everyone! What's everyone up to? Anyone hatching? I hatched 6 chicks recently. OE and SBEL. Anyone interested? I also have a Serema roo that just started to crow, I love listening to him. I got a black silkie Ameraucana chick and a frizzle. Both seem like they will be bantams.
Hi all! (on the subject of roos, but not referring to the ones up above)

One of my favorite expressions regarding what to do with roos is sending them to "Camp Kenmore." (Yeah, Vegas Chick. That was you!) Well, perusing the "What do you call your chicken coop?" thread, I came across another one. For those that are cockerels or non-layers "The Soup Coop"

- - -

Mom passed away March 20th, so I've been off-line for a bit due to dealing with her funera, lproperty and estate. Had to head back up to the Bay Area on Monday after a short visit back to Henderson.... Oh, so sorry (not) to miss the first triple-digit day. Hope all your birds are keeping cool....or headed off to spend summer vacation elsewhere.

Oh! Peep! So sorry for your loss! Glad you were able to skip the scorcher though! Ke_ben lost a couple of hens that day. It was so bad.
Love the "Soup Coop" idea! I really should have one of those!

I'm thinking of ordering some hatching eggs. I never have had any luck with shipped eggs but would love to go in with someone else on some hard-to find-around-here breeds. I'd like to try some Cream Legbar, Isbar, Barnevelder, Welsummer, Penedesenca (Partridge or Crele, probably) and some Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana...! Maybe some folks with bators would be willing to help hatch them out? Thoughts? Anyone?

Anyone interested in buying into an order or two of hatching eggs with me?

Hello everyone! What's everyone up to? Anyone hatching? I hatched 6 chicks recently. OE and SBEL. Anyone interested? I also have a Serema roo that just started to crow, I love listening to him. I got a black silkie Ameraucana chick and a frizzle. Both seem like they will be bantams.

I have recently had a broody (and Ke_ben) hatch out some eggs from Max and Ke_ben. Only problem? I seem to need some more hatching eggs cuz I have 2-3 more broodies.
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I have an LG bator. I would be willing to go in on some eggs and even hatch them, but I need to move some of the babies I have right now first. I'll get on that this week. See what I can do.

I can't wait to have a broody! My girls aren't quite old enough yet.
The coop just got done this past weekend. I think the girlies are taking to it quite well. I still have some details to finish on the inside but overall I think it looks good.

omg love the coop so cute!!!! I was able to find a ranch for my roo the girl that took him was super excited.. he will have a whole bunch of hens to roost around so i'm happy.. they girl i gave him to is looking for more hens, so if you have some that need homes i could pass along your info to her. my three girls seem to be getting along great now so i'm happy as a clam, i do want to eventually get one more hen but i think i might wait. they just all started getting along i don't want to stress them out again.

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