Viva Las Vegas!

Decembermoon- that's wonderful! I have a few Super Blue Layers and Olive Eggers if you want one!?!
Okay. It was my birthday Thursday and I decided that what I really wanted was some new breeds of chickens. The only way to do that around here is ordering hatching eggs. So....

I'm looking at getting a few different hard-to-find-here types, some of which are easily sexed as soon as they start to feather in. I'm bidding on some hatching eggs of Cream Legbars, Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, Lavender Ameraucanas from Harry Shaffer & John Blehm lines, Lavender Orps from Hinckjc lines, and Salmon Favorelles from Dick Boulanger & Cloverleaf lines. I only want about 2 - 4 chicks of each type so there will be plenty to share. Anyone want in on this? I have a good sized incubator lined up that is manned by an experienced hatcher so this will be easy, cheap and fun!

I'm also thinking I might try some white TraderJoe's eggs to see if we can get a "Token" or two.

You can PM me if you're interested. I gotta do this before it's too hot to ship eggs!

rlh1, are you in?
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Wanted to show you some pictures the seller's posted of what I want to bid on...(THESE ARE NOT MY BIRDS) Click on photo to increase picture size.

Cream Legbar Lavender Ameraucana Lavender Orp

Salmon Faverolle Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and Ameraucana eggs
You bet I am! I want a SF so bad!! I wouldn't mind the lav or blu wheaten Ameraucana either! I have SBEL and OE to sell too. I hatched 6 about 2 weeks ago
So I finally got some photos of the run renovations we did this spring. Here we go.

First we had to remove the chicken wire from the top of the run. It only kept out the bigger birds like doves and pigeons and hawks. Which was good, but the wild birds and mice were chowing down on the girls feed night and day.

We installed the cattle panels, put the chicken wire on the open ends and put bird netting over top to keep the pesky wild birds out!

We needed to lessen the heat load caused by a white metal shed in the hot Vegas morning - miday sun. Happily, it was shaded in the afternoon by some peg boards we repurposed and placed on the top of the run along the coop.

We hung a lattice work trellis on the side of the shed to create shadow and planted 2 wine grape vines. My dad wisely installed a cage around the new grapes vines or my chickens would've gobbled them up as soon as possible. We had to close the chickens in the garden area while we worked for everyones safety and sanity. I even placed a board blocking them from accessing the run through the landing they use to go to roost. Love the pop doors we have installed everywhere.

We also planted 2 wine grape vines and a pomegranate tree along the back side of the run. They also got a protective frame. The frames will come down in a couple of years when everything is a bit established and all the vegetation is out of reach. You can see how bad they want at it in the next photo. You can also see one of the waterers we made with buckets and chicken nipples. It's so easy to put 2L bottles filled 3/4 with water and frozen in them to cool down the water in the summer. I can fit 2-3 bottles in if it's really bad.

I like to get their food up off the ground and out of all the poo so my dad made this cool trough style feeder. Placing it up higher discourages them from standing on the sides and also the dowel he used along the top is loose enough to spin so they don't roost on that to eat.

I also used cinderblocks and plywood to make a type of feeding platform. They love this because they can access the space underneath for shade or to get out of the wind/rain. I like it because it makes a great space to access the new feeders and the oyster shell I keep in the very weathered manufactured bird feeder I got free from a moving neighbor.

This space (shown above) behind (along the back of) the white metal shed is what we call the "Coopa". It's very useful for seperating a few hens from the group for safety or whatever. I like to put broodies in pet cages in this space and shut the door so they can access water/food without being in general population. The door is basically a frame with chicken wire attached. It is shaded on top by a screen recycled from a picture window and a sheet placed between (the screen and the chicken wire on top) for added shade with good airflow. We can access the stacked nests from the back. The feed catcher is made of a steam bathe canner that had a hole in the bottom. Recycle, recycle, recycle!!!

Eloise (or is it Hortense) the Wheaten Marans is kindly showing how to properly use the new feeders.

I included this picture for one reason only....there is a small wild bird on the cattle panel in the upper right hand corner...access denied, mission accomplished!!! Yay!

Hope you enjoyed the tour.
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Hi, Vegas folks! I'm not actually in Vegas, but it is my closest city!
I'm hoping to find a BR roo to cover my hens (currently 3 weeks old).

If anyone local has an unwanted BR, I'd be happy to buy him, or trade for one of my pullets! He could live a long and happy life since I'm not in city limits!
Hi, Vegas folks! I'm not actually in Vegas, but it is my closest city!
I'm hoping to find a BR roo to cover my hens (currently 3 weeks old).

If anyone local has an unwanted BR, I'd be happy to buy him, or trade for one of my pullets! He could live a long and happy life since I'm not in city limits!
Have you tried Crigs list it seems like there are always roosters on there
I have some Olive Eggers and Super Blue Layers available. They are only 2.5 weeks right now. They will be $5. PM me if your interested.

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