Viva Las Vegas!

Hi! I'm new to this group and chickens. My husband and I live in blue diamond and "rescued" some abandoned hens; that got us started. Added three chicks around Easter, but unfortunately ones a rooster. I don't think I can eat him! I was looking for ideas or anyone that wants a buff Orpington rooster :) glad to have found this group!
The chickens had been left in the wash near a spring. I ended up talking to the former owners who thought that was the best way to get rid of their chickens. Cycle of life and coyotes :-(. I wii contact nellis fed. Thanks much! I was hesitant to put anything up on Craig's list. Where in Vegas are you?
Good to know about Nellis Feed... My Black Australorp was crowing today :( I had a suspicion that it was a roo, now there is no doubt... I'm still suspicious of 2 other in our little flock, but we'll wait and see.
I'm in the northwest. Aliante area. I have two boys to take to Nellis Feed soon. Need to free up the space for a bunch of chicks that will be hatching soon.
So I talked with someone from a battery hen rescue today. They have a rescue in Grass Valley/Vacaville area. I think I may make a trip up there in September. It's quite a ways, but I like the idea of rescued hens. All the hens are 2 to 3 years old and they are either leghorns or red-sex linked.

Anyone ever done this? What do you think?
So I talked with someone from a battery hen rescue today. They have a rescue in Grass Valley/Vacaville area. I think I may make a trip up there in September. It's quite a ways, but I like the idea of rescued hens. All the hens are 2 to 3 years old and they are either leghorns or red-sex linked.

Anyone ever done this? What do you think?
let me know when you decide to do this I have been thinking of rescuing a few hens myself I may have you pick me up 2
worried about the heat and everyone's chickens. we are hitting record braking heat for at least the next 4 to 5 days. my girls know how to use my doggy door so they come in side to cool off and during this heat wave there will be no time they are not allowed in (currently I boot them out in the am and after 5pm as all there areas are in shade by then) what worries me is in the coop yes I have cool air from swamp cooler blowing in there and a little fan its in the shade from 1pm till sunrise but my girls all lay there eggs during am hours and sitting in those boxes gets hot my bo cherrios is in there right now panting away (sad thing she don't even lay eggs she drops hers with out shells while on the roost at night) she stays there everyday for about hour. and my other girls follow suit. I just don't know will they leave the nest if they get to hot.
I'm really nervous about the heat too - Saturday's forecast says 117 degrees here in Sandy Valley. I switched from a 1 gallon nipple waterer to a 5 gallon gravity-fed waterer so that I can drop a milk jug full of ice inside.
I'm sweltering in the house even with the swamp cooler on, so I'm pretty worried about the poor girls :(

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