Viva Las Vegas!

one piece of advice I'd like to share is when the Sun Goes Down spray down the coop I'm outside an awesome the run in the walls around the coupon run it'll bring the temperature down fast so at least at night why they're asleep they can cool off and give their little bodies a break those with swamp coolers I do the same thing around the swamp cooler too and it instantly lowers the temperature in house by about 5 to 10 degrees
Hi everyone, so sorry to hear of the loses. I've been giving mine ice all the time. Not just in their water. Just took out an angel food cake pan made ice cube with worms and greens (mint and lemon balm which are like electrolytes) in the ice. I invert it on a "under a water heater" metal pan. They stand on and around it and it seems to cool them down pretty fast. I started making another one with the pan already. I only have 1 angel food cake pan, so when it's not ready I use a frozen 2 liter soda bottle with water. I put it on the same metal pan, so the whole pan gets cold. I have 10 chickens and they all hop on the pan. Any huge piece of ice will work. And as someone else mentioned the melted water gets the dirt/sand wet and they will lay on it too.
I don't know if this has already been discussed, but where's the cheapest feed in Vegas?
I've realized that my flock of 24 will probably be going through 150 lbs per month when they're full-grown.
Currently, I'm mixing homemade feed from bulk bins at WinCo and wheat from the feed store. On my current recipe, I can make 90 lbs of soy/corn-free feed for $43. How does this compare to storebought feed?
I've tried and failed with duckweed and I'm trying again with growing fodder (this time it's directly under an air conditioner so that it won't mold).
I don't know if this has already been discussed, but where's the cheapest feed in Vegas?
I've realized that my flock of 24 will probably be going through 150 lbs per month when they're full-grown.
Currently, I'm mixing homemade feed from bulk bins at WinCo and wheat from the feed store. On my current recipe, I can make 90 lbs of soy/corn-free feed for $43. How does this compare to storebought feed?
I've tried and failed with duckweed and I'm trying again with growing fodder (this time it's directly under an air conditioner so that it won't mold).
I would be interested in your recipe. I'm into making everything myself, and wasn't sure where to start with the feed. :) Do you mind sharing the recipe?

I've also been giving my chickens the leaves from my zucchini plant... it's taking over my garden. I tie them in a bunch to the side of the run and make them stretch for it :) Gives them something to do!
Chick starter: (cost is about $1/lb)
6 cups wheat (12.8% protein content)
3 cups barley (12.3% protein)
2 1/4 cups greens (veggies)
2 1/4 cup lentils or split peas (24.5% protein)
3/4 cup plain yogurt
3 tbsp molasses
3 tbsp trace mineral salt

I'm not sure what the total protein percentage comes out to on this, but they seem very healthy and happy. I ferment the feed, so I usually omit the yogurt and molasses. This recipe feeds my 24 5-week-old chicks for about a week I think.

I'm in the middle of figuring out a new formula, because I want something simpler. I'm going to be going through 6 lbs of feed per day eventually, so I want something that's easy to mix! I've been researching and found a great method of how to figure out protein content at:

My current plan for layer-type feed is:
100 lbs mixed grains - probably wheat and oats
8 lbs dried liver - I'll be dehydrating this, then chopping it up. Not sure if it can be fermented, though.
0.5 lb trace mineral salt
free choice ground eggshell

this recipe will cost about $0.50-0.60 per pound and will have a 15-17% protein content.
I'm also going to provide an 8x8" mat of wheatgrass grown hydroponically.
I have ducks now! My original plan was to wait a few years, but I passed a "free ducks" sign last night and couldn't resist! They're either mallards or rouens. I have six 3-day-olds and two 8-week-olds. Does anyone here have ducks? They're so beautiful and I love watching the older ones playing in water!
Anyone in need of a rooster? We have at least 2 and they are driving everyone around us (us included) a little batty. They were born around easter of this year. the hens born the same day haven't started laying yet so I would like them gone before they do. you can text me at 540-4774
Anyone in need of a rooster? We have at least 2 and they are driving everyone around us (us included) a little batty. They were born around easter of this year. the hens born the same day haven't started laying yet so I would like them gone before they do. you can text me at 540-4774
annaglenn! So glad you've joined us. Seems like we all have extra roos from time to time. Your best bet is to take them to Nellis Feed Store on Nellis. They will take your extras and may even pay you for the privilege. What breeds of chickens do you have and what area are you located in? Good luck!

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