Vote to stop NAIS at change dot org TODAY

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Ranger Rick
12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Southwest Mississippi
I think "Managing Your Flock" is a very appropriate place to post this. Unless you want the government managing your flock for you, go to and let the president elect know how you feel about the USDA tracking your chickens.

You have to sign up to the website. If I am reading correctly, today is the last day to vote. A Homesteading Neophyte has good instructions on her blog. Please go... read... sign up... vote.

There's 20,000 of us. We can blow it to blazes. Please help me keep this going as long as they are still accepting votes. It's important.

What are the current proposals that anti-NAIS folks object to these days? Exactly which proposal will result in "government managing your flock for you?"

I've been following this debate for years now and have grown tired of much of the ridiculous and outrageous claims of some. When I ask for specifics of the proposed regulations, I am invariably pointed to the No-Nais website, a site that has proven to me to be the source of a lot of what I see as hysterics and hyperbole. I am never pointed to the actual current proposals, only writings of the anti-NAIS folks invariably presenting their fears of what might be, not reasoned objections to what actually is proposed. When I go to the USDA website to read these proposals, I never seem able to find anything to support the claims being made. Of course, I don't expect to find anything in the USDA that indicates NAIS is a trial run to the mandatory implanting chips in humans as the tin-foil hat crowd claims but neither do I find text supporting the many other claims being made.

So, is there a specific proposal that you can cite that will result in the government "managing" my flock, one whose complete text you can provide a link to? I'd like to make up my mind based on facts, not fears.


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Oh, pish posh. Don't trouble us with this nonesense, Madam!

I've read actual AP news articles of people being refused access to public facilities with their animals because their animals aren't registered. I think IL was the most recent place where this happened (in the last few months or so.)

But I beg your pardon!
I certainly won't trouble you with my research since you think it's a joke.

Hold still varmin! I got sumpn' fer ya!
(No No! Not the TAG!


Cassandra (whose prophesies, alas, are not believed) LOL
Yeah - what Wayne said.

And Cassasndra, forgive me but I'll be frank; posting a link to a blog is not what I'd consider a legitmate source in terms of research.

NAIS posts really irk me; this subject is as devisive and counterproductive as PETA and cockfighting posts and I think it should be banned from BYC as a topic.

Just my 2 cents

This legislation is designed to make it harder and harder for individuals to own livestock. That some of you who think this is a great idea and can't see this amazes me. - why else are huge 'farms' allowed to lump animals into lots, but small holders have to tag individual animals. This is a fact, not hyperbole. That in itself is enough for me to realize how harmful this legislation is.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Yea, right.

The only weapon people have against this are their voices, thus blogs, and I have no problem with individuals making sure their voices are heard. I'm adding my voice against this costly, unnecessary program. Let those who are producing the poorly raised food foot the bill for food safety by better monitoring of 'b]them[/b], not intrusive monitoring of hobbyist and small farmers across the country.
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Sorry, I'm with Reinbeau. The facts are what scare me, not rumors. There are plenty of facts from the NAIS draft proposal to worry a small flock owner. Wonder how many rumors have become facts of life/laws while people kept saying, "Nah, it will never happen" then woke up one day to find their world quite a bit different. And that is all I'm going to say. I cannot fathom why this subject cannot be discussed rationally without all this trouble. Boggles the mind.
This is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate this is an actual threat. Please post a link to the actual USDA proposal that requires me to tag my individual birds. Again, please link to the actual proposal on record.

Thank you.

But where are the facts? As Wayne pointed out, no one has provided a substantive link that cites any USDA regulation regarding how NAIS will have a direct effect on me as a hobbyist. And when I say "cites" I mean the enacted regulation: the actual USDA rule on the USDA web site.

Links to blogs don't help anyone, sure it's free speech but why should I realy on one person's opinion? I also resent the assumption, as implied in the orginal post, that all 20,000+ BYC members should unite in oppostion to NAIS just because a few members feel strongly about it.

And for the record: I have NO opinion on whether NAIS is a good or bad idea.

However, I do believe framing an issue like this as "the sky is falling" helps no one in the end.

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