Wade Jean C1 Roo and Olive Eggers.......


10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
Central Florida
I have a Wade Jean C1 Roo (coppertop) that I got straight from Bargains friend in georgia. he is FINALLY molting out his ugly white feathers, and thank god, the new ones are not white.
He is a very good boy, great to his girls. He has a funny skip when he walks. dont know why, but he does. Feathers nice down the feet.

also have
a BCM hen that does not lay a dark brown egg. the babies are gorgeous (sure coppertop has something to do with that). 15.00 (less then a year old i believe)

an olive egger from 3chickens. about 5 months old. (hen). dont know what color egg she's going to lay yet, but if she's like her sister, it's a beautiful olive. $15.00

i have one more 5 month old that i believe is a BCM hen. Looks like a bcm hen anyway. was sold to me as an australorp as a chick, but definately wasn't an australorp. $15.00

please email with questions.

i have a pic of coppertop, but not of the girls...and my camera broke.


now remember, he's been molting these white awful things out.

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