waht shade of blue is most desirable in orpingtons


7 Years
Jun 18, 2012
I'm noticing that there is a lot of variation in in the shade of blue in blue orpingtons, from quite light to quite dark. Is one more desirable over another?
I'm noticing that there is a lot of variation in in the shade of blue in blue orpingtons, from quite light to quite dark. Is one more desirable over another?
avoiding extremes is the norm, but if you had to choose I say go with the darker ones, and always keep an eye for the laced ones(black lacing on blue bodies) they are the keepers

this is the right color of shade
The Standard calls for "an even shade of clear bluish slate, each feathet distinctly laced with glossy black". Even is a key word as evenness is more important than shade. You're looking for a medium shade of blue. Not as light as a self blue & not so dark as to approach black.
Thanks for the input. This is really helpful.

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