Waiting for my hen to go broody


Mar 29, 2017
Nicosia, Cyprus
My Pekin duck has laid 10 eggs. I've read many postings that say the ducks usually go broody after laying 15-20 eggs. If she reaches the number 20 and she continues to lay eggs should I keep them in the nest or should I take them away for consumption?
Personally my pekin hen would sit on 18 perfectly but It depends on both the duck and the eggs. For example our welsummer tried to sit on 6 Orpington eggs but only 3 hatched and to never even began incubation simply because she couldn't cover them! I'd generally prefer my broody hatched in the small size 3-6 each so that once they were larger the hens could still relatively manage them with little risk.Then again I free range constantly! So really it depends on how dedicated your bird is,how gentle (at risk of crushing eggs), and what you think the both of you can handle.(I only let one of my smaller hens raise in trios cause she was so small she couldn't defend them all against my other hens in larger numbers) I'd stop at 20 though, since I'd doubt she'll hatch them all, plus other hens may add eggs when she's not watching so I like to keep the numbers down so I can keep watch ;D
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Thank you so much for your reply. So I will leave 20 since she is only 6 months old and not so big in size. For how long should I wait for her to go broody after the number 20 is reached? Is it true that Pekin ducks rarely go broody? I really wish this isn't the case.
My Pekin duck has laid 10 eggs. I've read many postings that say the ducks usually go broody after laying 15-20 eggs. If she reaches the number 20 and she continues to lay eggs should I keep them in the nest or should I take them away for consumption?

If you want to hatch pekin eggs you may have to rethink how you are going to hatch them. For my entire childhood we had pekin ducks and never did one go broody. Yes, they would sit diligently on a nest and just when I was getting my hopes up, they would leave. Permanently. Most left after a week. I had some sit for two weeks, but that was about max.
We solved the problem by giving the pekin eggs to our muscovies who would go broody and go the distance.
If you want to raise pekins you may need to get a broody breed of duck, see if a broody hen will hatch some or get an incubator. Good luck!
I've ordered already an incubator just in case. I was told that another solution is to put a female malard in my coop since they go broody more easily and they can hatch pekin duck eggs as well.
That actually may be true, my two pekin hens were complete opposites in where one was friendly and one wasn't and one would brood for months while my second never even glanced at a possible nest spot! My broody pekin decided her first clutch would be right up in some tall grass against a chain link fence were people would walk their dogs constantly, obviously she got up to drink once and a dog got those ones. Silly bird! So maybe my girl was just a wierdo in general!
Ive got a few females and none of them seem to care about the eggs, all but the runner and she is a little confusing. there were probably 20 eggs in the duck house so I took them out thiking they didnt want anything to do with them, the very next morning she had pulled all the straw to one corner of the house and made a nest and it had one egg tucked in the middle. I left it alone thinking she was about to start going broody. the very next day she tossed it out of the duck house lol. I wonder if its the other ducks kicking the eggs out or if its her just being crazy
Your right....Many Duck hens will lay eggs and never go Broody....If leaving eggs in the nest you date them daily...Eggs are only viable for about 10 days and then lose fertility.....:).....You toss out the oldest ones....Or for incubation you collect them for 10 days depending how many eggs you want to hatch and store in a cool, dry place inside egg cartons and shift them once a day....Lay them on their side on a dish towel to warm and then pop them into the incubator.....28 days later....Ducklings..:)

Best wishes...:)

But I guess I should keep the 20 in the nest (even though I know that only 10 will be good for hatch) so that I will stimulate the hen's instict to go broody. If she doesn't sit on the eggs are they good for consumption? Even the one laid 20 days before?

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