Waiting game, This is suspensful.


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Lonedell, Missouri
I trying to take my mind off my bators at the moment. I have 14 marans hatch date today, 3 turkeys set to hatch tommorow, 2 silkies and RIR set to hatch friday, ducks set to hatch sat and monday, and 6 doz marans and EE set to hatch sat. So far not one has a pip. Messed up counting hatch date for the silkies but they were moving yesterday and looking like they were getting ready. Barely got all those eggs in the 2 LG's I use to hatch in. Im really hoping some hatch on time because I have 3 goose eggs that are questionable to go on lock down sun or monday and a few more ducks. I know my duck eggs will probably hatch earlie or ontime but seems my shipping eggs always start later and seldom hatch on time.

Im really hoping for a couple to hatch from the marans that are set to hatch today. Even if I only get a couple it just helps me with getting more diverse lines. They are so hard to hatch Im going to try another thing when I get some more shipped eggs with them. My last hatch from another breeder only ended up with 3 but very pretty, 2 others died hatching and rest were just late quiters it looked like. Just got to figure out what works for me with these shipped maran eggs.

good luck with all of your hatches ! i plan to start some incubating maybe this summer with my silkie & a speckled appenzeller. just waiting for those pips are enough to drive anyone crazy !!
thanks I just heard some load pipping from that hatcher a minute ago. I looked and looked but couldn't figure out which one was doing it. Didn't sound like a turky so hoping it was one of the marans that were set to hatch today. They are shipping eggs so I have to give them time but it is really hard and exciting. I have to keep telling my self stay away stay away do this do that keep yourself busy.
before you know it your entire house will be clean, all of the laundry will be folded and put away & youll probably be baking cakes while youre at it !! LOL ive incubated a few times & the initial hate date is always the hardest. then once they start pipping, its usually one right after the other after that. keep updating & esp with some pics
Just popping in to say hopping you'll have a great hatch!!! Agreed marans can be hard to hatch!!!!..... I bump the humidity really high for them and spray before lockdown... Some folks finger nail file their eggs, or sandpaper - I think that would introduce bacteria though and death to the marans.

I'll stay tuned.... I'm in a hard lockdown now with some lines I've really wanted! Nancy
Unforchantly with the marans that were do to hatch yesterday one pipped in middle of the night and died. Cracked open the shells and more were earlie quiters then anything. Found one that I helped out but cord was wrapped around it neck it died.
There are two more that I cracked that I put back in they have not pipped but are still alive wrapped then with wet paper towel. Only time will tell if they are going to pip or not.

I have been having really bad luck with shipped eggs. I will definatly be trying something new again
These marans are killing me. I can hatch my own just fine but shipped ones way different story. Think I just going to stick to swaps so I dont have allot tied into them when they dont hatch. Very very hard to get my flock built up with those. Im crossing my fingures the black copper chicks I do have I will end up with the few hens I have a roo already. Only have a pair of wheatons so was hopeing for a couple more hens and another roo atleast so I can pick the best one to work with. If I dont get any more blues atleast I have my own adults to work with. Guess it could be worse could have none. I just really wanted 30 or so chicks to start culling with to get 5 or so of each color to work with this year.

Just about ready to give up and through in the towel with them.
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