Waiting on a McMurray order of chicks....worried


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2016
Cleveland Ohio
Our 25 ornamental layer collection is in route from Iowa to Cleveland Ohio. It left Monday night and looks like it won't be here until the soonest tomorrow. That's 3 days... They said that we should be OK, but geez I'm worried. Anyone have any experience with this? Good or bad?
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Glad they arrived safely! Next time order from Meyers Hatchery - I'm not saying they are better - but they are in Polk OH and would have been a much shorter trip for you.
32 total chicks, mix of Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, White Rocks,and Delawares. I wish I would get a scan. It is possible they would be here in the am, but without a scan I have no idea...
I just had 10 chicks shipped that took three days and all arrived fine. I had electrolytes in their water for the fist day and they are all doing great. Last time I ordered Ihad one ccasualty. I hope they arrive soon and healthy.
Time to stop lurking and make a post. I had 17 chicks shipped Monday from McMurray, they arrived Wednesday and are doing great. Couldn't be happier with how healthy and active they are.
Got quite the assortment: barred rock, RI Red, sex link, americauna, Sussex and Wyandotte. Best of luck to everyone waiting on new chicks!
My chicks showed up this morning. Ordered 32, received 33 from McMurray and all are doing well. Honestly, I was expecting a few to be weak or even one or two doa (was hoping not but was prepared) and to my surprise, everyone was alive.

Brought them to the brooder that I had all ready and provided a nice mix of warm water with sure and nutri-drench in it and scattered chick crumbles on the paper towels around them and they all went to town. I had to leave them to go to work and they are still doing great this evening when I got back to them.
All of the survivors are doing fantastic this evening. I laid the one with the bum leg to rest this afternoon because it was freaking out my 2 year old. She's very sentimental and saw the others picking at her. I knew she wouldn't make it through the night so no sense in prolonging the agony. :-( so we ordered 25, got 27 lost 3 and are left with 24 to divide with our neighbor. So much fun. And McMurray put a credit on our account so now to go shopping again :)
A friend ordered 25 from them, a few of us homeschooling mom's were gonna split the birds up. They took 3 days to come as well. We had 1 dead on arrival, and 5 more die in the next day.
Hope your chicks arrive quickly and healthy.

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