Walker's Indian Runner Tribe


We just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter with some cute pictures!
If you don't celebrate it, please enjoy the pictures anyway!

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@QuackSpeak - Haha believe it or not the hardest part was getting Tickles to sit still! XD Still he just couldn't resist being in this adorable photo shoot...it was a lot of fun!

Happy Easter to you, your family and your duckies! Speaking of which, how are Ellie and Luna?
Cute little Tickles!
Ellie and Luna have been doing great! They spent most of the day with us. They swam, ate, and played around. They even rode in a wagon at one point - which they surprisingly liked!

Not much of an update other then the mess they make is growing just as fast as they are, haha!
I've been spending as much time with them as possible, always looking for new ways to get
them some exercise.

I'm completely fed up with the chick waterer I bought and so I've been trying to build a waterer
for them. So far it's going horribly and I've just been using jugs with holes cut into the
sides. So if anyone has any diy projects that I should try that'd be great!

Other than that, I just love them so freakin' much! Who would've guessed that a couple of
birds would steal my heart?! I love taking care of them and even though it is so much
work, I could definitely see myself doing it again in the future!

Anyway, yesterday it was 85° F so I set up the tub for them and they loved it!
Here's a video:

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