Walmart Hatching Eggs?? UPDATE..p6

I might try this, just for the h3ll of it.
.....and walmart of all places? awesome!

Keep us updated! I think this is a question all chicken people have asked themselves, but never tried.
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Leave it to Walmart to answer the age old question of "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" I don't subscribe to a thread often, but I have GOT to know what happens here.
I tried to hatch some walmart eggs - none developed. I couldn't even tell if they were fertile after a week in the bator - nothing but smush. Sorry :-/
Yes I am going to do it and I will update.
I think it is hilarious that I bought these eggs for my hubby because he is paranoid about eating fertile eggs we get at home....

The rest of the family eats them, but he gets his own eggs from the store. I haven'y told him, and if I did - I think he would stop me from trying to hatch them because he wouldn't want to know the truth, not to mention the addition of more chickens--likely BIG ones (the eggs are xtra large).

So this will have to be a "secret experiment"!
I don't think the cold storage in itself is a problem as it causes the embrio to go dormant till incubation time, but the length of time the eggs have been in circulation is the bigger problem. Walmart eggs are famous for being very old 4-6 wks in the system before hitting the stores. I would try it anyway just for the fun of it, heck you never know it might be fun.

I hatched out 15 chicks from 36 Trader Joes supper market (fertile) eggs. I set all 36 and at day 10, 18 looked good and I tossed the others. The Trader Joes brand puts a date on the end of the carton that tells you when they were packed. The ones I hatched were only a little over a week old.
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I bought some at the farmers market that had been refrigerated as well as had some given to me that had been in the fridge for over a week and I had about a 75% hatch rate. Now I have a really strange mix of chicks! The farmers market eggs were supposed to be BA and BR and I got 2 BR's, 3 white ones with 3 or 4 black dalmatian spots on them, 2 blue & 1 black with ee like muffs! Go figure!

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