Want To Hatch With Me?


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
I set some eggs today and yesterday, I might set some tomorrow. Right now, I have Speckled Sussex wc black polish eggs set. Tomorrow I might set some mutts.
Sure! I set eggs late last night, so my hatch date is the 20th/21st. Nice to have a hatch buddy :)
I'm hatching 14 BBS and just splash silkies, and also three mystery bantam eggs. I can't wait for fuzzy butts :)
I set 36 eggs today. EE, Marans and some cochins I don't think are fertile. (2 young roos in that pen and I don't think either have figured out how to do the deed yet.)

Egg 10 candling at day 1. Egg 10 is the # our chicken has laid, not the # we are hatching.
I just put some under my hen today. I ordered a mixture of 8 eggs so it will be a surprise. This is my first time doing this and I am so eggsited.

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