

12 Years
May 30, 2011
Help! I had only 1 hen left, so I decided she was lonely, kept picking at my window, following me everywhere, so I decided to get her a buddy. Now she resents the newcomer and she tries to destroy her . How long will this last and how can I prevent disaster? Any ideas?
I have similar experiences all the time. Greeting new chicks into the older ones yard is easier than you'd think. I have a Plan "A" and a Plan "B" lol . Plan "A", is just supervising the new chicken around the old chicken for about an hour every 2 - 3 hours. Usually, in the next 5 days or so, they get used to each other. If that doesn't work out, what my Plan "B" method is, is getting a big dog cage, then placing it in the old chickens coop / yard. I put food and water in there, and put the new chicken in. They will soon get used to each other, and it works almost every time for me. :yesss::yesss:
Had a similar situation - one mourning hen who ended up on the sofa with me watching the news. Got her two companions who turned her into a deranged dictator but at least she wasn’t depressed anymore.
Lasted 48 hours till some sort of peace was established .
Hang In there !!
Had a similar situation - one mourning hen who ended up on the sofa with me watching the news. Got her two companions who turned her into a deranged dictator but at least she wasn’t depressed anymore.
Lasted 48 hours till some sort of peace was established .
Hang In there !!
Thanks for your reply. That was hilarious! They are slowly adjusting themselves. Now I don’t have one chicken pecking on my window, I have two chickens pecking on my window! Is there something in the glass they like?

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