Warm Day - Coop Pre-Cleaning Time!


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
After getting 7 inches of snow yesterday -- and hats off to everyone out East who are getting hit REALLY hard with the snow today -- we are enjoying balmy 25 degree temperatures and beautiful blue sunny skies. It's blindingly bright outside with all that fresh, sparkly snow!

I decided to shoo the (unwilling and reluctant) girls outside for a bit this afternoon so I could do some cleaning. They were not pleased and roamed a bit on my "trail" to the coop (which is a hip deep trench at this stage of the season) but preferred to return to their run, which is covered and shoveled. I opened up all the windows and doors and took a broom to the rafters, ceiling and walls - BLECH!!!! Then I fluffed the shavings, brought all the dishes inside for washing, and refilled food/oyster shells and water. OMG the dust was incredible. After airing out the place for a couple hours, it's like a brand new coop. Makes me feel a bit guilty for making them live like that. Whatever, like they care anyways.
Awww, come on-of course they care!
I hear ya, I need to do the same thing one of these days this week, even bought a fresh bag of shavings in preparation. Now for the energy and motivation......

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