Warm winter hats for Roosters

I’m sorry, I just saw this post.

Temps here are up and down, and I only employ these when the weather is really cold, windy and wet. I usually keep them on for a week and then give them a break. It’s been really dry this year, so they haven’t worn them as long as they usually do.

I am thinking about refining my design to include something to cover their wattles and not need glue to keep them on. It’s a work in progress.
Did you ever refine your idea ? And do something for the wattles?
Fleece doesn’t trap moisture…any moisture goes through it and if it’s cold enough and there’s enough moisture can be seen as a bit of frost on the outer side. Otherwise it just evaporates out.
I just might try this for a couple of my ladies

I doubt there is anything do me to do with Mr P’s wattles.

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