Warning: Watch out for those heat lamps

Thank God it didn't start a fire! You are so lucky. Mine are set up similar to Joe's. We either hang them on double chains or in one room right now, we have them single chained and clamped on.

We take chain from the hardware store and attach it to heavy duty ceiling hooks that are anchored in rafters. We then attach the chain to the heat lamps with S-hooks we clamp down so they are secure. On the couple that we use the clamps on, we just have one chain to the celing. The clamps are then attached to a wire fence and secured with heavy duty zip ties.
The Big Man Upstairs is watching out for you!!!!
I know that's right. My dad was having me raise his chickens at my place and the brooder light fell off. I smelled grilled chicken coming from the basement and knew exactly what happened. Had to sneak back to the feed store and get a replacement before dad saw.

You are very lucky!
that is the cleanest most awesome looking coop I have seen!

Can't fool me.....it's a mirage!

Seriously, nice coop Joe.

I like using #10 & #12 jack chain I get at TSC. It is easy to open the links to make shorter or longer.
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