Was raised on a farm but now in my 60s my husband and I want to establish a back yard Chicken run. We need help


I have a 31 year old cockatiel named Abby who's been with me for 29 of those years.

To protect her from anything my
poultry might carry, there's a no shoe policy in my house; shoes must be left in the garage or on the porch. If I've messed with my poultry at all I make sure to strip all my outer clothes off in my laundry room, which is right next to the door leading outside. Any clothing that may have possibly come in contact with anything poultry related does not make it any further than that laundry room. I take a quick shower before handling Abby. Pretty standard stuff for an indoor pet bird, which I assume is nothing compared to what you have set up.

Thank you for what you do, by the way. My family got Abby around the same time we got an umbrella cockatoo. He was with us until I was in high school, when a life upheaval caused him to start feather plucking and my mother decided to find him a new home. Like I said, I was in high school and not in a position where I could have changed things much, but I have always felt sick about it, wondering if the people Mom found actually would be good parrot owners, and if he's still out there and happy. She got rid of him while I was at school, so I have no idea who or where he went to, and my efforts at finding him amounted to nothing. If I'd known then what I know now, I would have tried to change things. People vastly underestimate what parrots need to feel loved, happy, and healthy, and parrot rescuers like you are a godsend to all those poor birds.
Best of luck to you on your new venture with chickens!

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