Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I REALLY wanted to go to the show in Monroe just to look and see the eggs, breeds but remembered I have a dentist appt.
Darn those reminder calls.....
Should I reschedule? lol
Yes! :D
Kim this may be something we can discuss in the next 2 weeks, but, it would be really early for the seller to be available in a rest stop along the highway as DH does not want to stop off road & drive around..blah blah.
He wants all to be there ready for pick up/drop off.
As for drop off, it would be Williams CA as the farthest point.
Let me know.

I'm the person getting the cockerel ready to transport. I sent you a PM, though I was a little confused when I sent it and hope that doesn't confuse you. It would be great if we could get this to work. We must decide soon as I need to schedule the appointment with the vet to get the certification for the bird to cross the border legally. I sent all my contact info in the PM. Please let me know.
Hello people from Washington. Just a question For anyone who lives near lake stevens. Who do you use as a sitter for your ducks or chickens? I am new to BYC and I will have 3 ducklings here in 2 weeks. I will be leaving town for about 10 days in July and I was wondering if someone could recommend anybody. Thanks
Quick question, BYC buddies:

I'm looking for some vining plants to plant around my run. Ideally, I'd love the vines to completely take over the run. They would have to be safe for chickens to ingest, should they try to eat them.

Pretty flowers are a plus, but not necessary.

What kind of vine plants thrive in this climate?

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Grapes actually do well. The chickens will eat any leaves they can reach. Getting fruit can be hit or miss depending on variety and heat.

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