Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I have a problem (maybe). I went out to my coop this morning to say hello to my girls and found a bloody spot on top of their feeder and a smaller dot of blood on the rim of the feeder. The big spot is about 1.5"-2" wide and about 3" long. The girls are 13 weeks old and haven't laid any eggs, yet. Is this blood just one of the hen's way getting ready to lay an egg? (In the picture, the blood is on the top left and the drop of blood is on the rim on the right.)

They all appear to be eating, drinking and moving about just fine. Is there something I should be looking for? I've tried to check their butts for blood but haven't seen any. I look forward to hearing from you.
I have a problem (maybe). I went out to my coop this morning to say hello to my girls and found a bloody spot on top of their feeder and a smaller dot of blood on the rim of the feeder. The big spot is about 1.5"-2" wide and about 3" long. The girls are 13 weeks old and haven't laid any eggs, yet. Is this blood just one of the hen's way getting ready to lay an egg? (In the picture, the blood is on the top left and the drop of blood is on the rim on the right.)

They all appear to be eating, drinking and moving about just fine. Is there something I should be looking for? I've tried to check their butts for blood but haven't seen any. I look forward to hearing from you.
No, they are too young to be laying eggs. My guess would be that one of them had an injury and the blood you see happened to land it a place where you can see it. One of my pullets cut her foot on one of those metal feeders. There was blood on the feeder and some on the ground, but I never did find a single mark on any of the pullets. Thank goodness for platelets. I hope all your chicks are fine this morning!
Just finished the page for our new mobile chicken tractor and wanted to share here as well. Very appreciative of all the great ideas and suggestions that people share on this site.


And since no one but chicken folks are interested in these sorts of details, here are a couple of videos of our finished product.

Tractor overview:


Moving the tractor:

Hey everyone. It's been a while and although I'd like to say I want to be here more, I'm starting a new job next Tuesday and I don't think I will even have cell service where Im at. I hope everyone is doing well.
I second the "hidden injury" theory. Just keep a close eye on them.

Of course there IS another serious longshot scenario. They caught them a mouse!

Agreed- someone has a injury somewhere or they caught a critter- plucked feathers can bleed pretty good, beak injuries, combs - being that's a puddle I'd look for bigger injury if it's that case or look for signs of critter
Thanks, everyone.
My daughter mentioned the possibility of a mouse/critter. I've been watching them and haven't seen anyone limping or any feathers missing. I'll just keep watching them. They seem fine, today...same as yesterday.
I've had to start watering too. My roses can't take being dry at all, as well the tomatoes. I am just starting to get my first flush of blooms, unfortunately too soon for the big show in June! The 1st ones are always the best and biggest. Sure smell num tho!

Red Intuition. Red on Red stripe. Bought from Raft island roses in Gig Harbor, WA If you like roses, go in June- it's pure heaven!
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