Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

What are some good treats to use to try and tame down my chickens? None of them are mean to me but they aren't tame at all. I feel bad that every time I go in to their coop/run to feed, water, collect eggs or clean it, they all run and squak and fly around. Is there hope for my adults at all or should I focus my attention more on taming the babies?
What are some good treats to use to try and tame down my chickens? None of them are mean to me but they aren't tame at all. I feel bad that every time I go in to their coop/run to feed, water, collect eggs or clean it, they all run and squak and fly around. Is there hope for my adults at all or should I focus my attention more on taming the babies?
Cracked corn, black oil sunflower seeds, lentils, peas, scrambled eggs.
Chicken Rustler & nini sorry for your losses.

I would do nothing. But see we do nothing for waterers anyway. We have spares so we keep clean thawed in the house so we just rotate them. But down here our water doesn't freeze until 32*. Speaking of I just came in from the stables. No wonder I am cold 33 and raining. Oooops thermometer just dropped to 32 this may be fun....
Ditto. I tried to do something, anything. FAIL! So now I change the water out when it's frozen, check in the am & pm.

I would start cocci treatment right away and run it full course.
Ditto. Amprolium worked for me on my chicks... Sorry I didn't catch the age.

So...who's going to the show in Feb up in Monroe/Everett? It's on our calendar are we're making a family day of it! Hope to see a bunch of y'all there!
This sounds like fun!!! Keep me posted! It's tax season, so I may not be able to go.

Thursday night is supposed to be 37 degrees here. Would any of you worry about frozen waterers with that temperature? I don't think I need to worry at all about leaving a light on anymore for the waterer, but I want to be sure. What would you do?

I think I just confused myself with " " multi.

Does anyone have an incubator that they are not in need of anymore, or just for the next couple months, to buy or borrow? My daughter has found an interest in hatching chicks, so I figured we'd give it a try. I did find a decent looking one on CL that I'm going to try to pick up, but I figured I'd check here too. If not, maybe we'll start with plants. Either way, I may have chicks for someone if they would like to pawn the hatching off to a couple of curious newbies.
And eggs would be great too! lol...

Are there any "meetup" type events hosted by members? I tried meetup, but that failed. I desperately need help/advice for my garden this year, and preferably someone with chicken experience, since my garden will not be entirely for my chicken friends consumption. And a backyard chicken/garden/farm swap could be fun!
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What are some good treats to use to try and tame down my chickens? None of them are mean to me but they aren't tame at all. I feel bad that every time I go in to their coop/run to feed, water, collect eggs or clean it, they all run and squak and fly around. Is there hope for my adults at all or should I focus my attention more on taming the babies?
I use a plastic pitcher to get the corn/seed for my gals. I put half out on the ground and then I tip the pitcher at about a 20 degree angle so the Blue Roo can feed. He pulls some out on the ground, stuffs his face and then moves away so the gals can get some and the stuff he knocks on the ground. I don't think he figured it out, I think it's just instinct. But he's gotten more friendly and the gals all cluster around anytime I have something in my hand.
Treats work. All of them will take bread/treats from my hand.
I would do the treats b4 doing anything else for awhile. They'll settle down, it may just take some time.
Bloody poo with no other symptoms. Cocci or worms? How would you treat this?

It actually looks like the last pic under the NORMAL section. Is shedding intestinal lining really normal? Like I said, they have no other symptoms. Everyone is eating, drinking, active etc...http://chat.allotment.org.uk/index.php?topic=17568.0

When Muffet was only a few days old, she had a few poos that made it look like she was just letting go of all of her intestines. I was freaking out and thinking that I was going to lose her because something had to be hideously wrong. She acted completely normal and had normal poos after that.
Quote: I used to bring treats, ANY treats that I found they liked and I would scatter it on the ground and then hang out quietly. I found they got used to me and accepted me fairly easily. I always try to just hang out and not always be doing something around them. Some of mine were pretty fighty but did calm down. What breeds do you have?
Am I really the only one with a very smelly chicken problem?? You guys are always full of ideas for every issue and question... please help a fellow BYCer out!! :)

My DH recently upgraded our coop and put a poop board with Sweet PDZ on it so I can scoop it like cat litter. That stuff is AWESOME! I heard some people putting it in their runs. It makes the smell disappear! I mix it in with the shavings too. My coop doesn't stink at all!

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