Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Random post for the day. Anyone else get a kick out of watching their chickens run? They crack me up! They kind of remind me of little dinosaurs, like a t-rex/valasaraptor mix (sorry, I'm sure I spelled that all wrong). But anyway, I love it!!

Definitely!  And they sound like a herd of buffalo!  :lau

Hahahaha, yes they do!!

Random post for the day. Anyone else get a kick out of watching their chickens run? They crack me up! They kind of remind me of little dinosaurs, like a t-rex/valasaraptor mix (sorry, I'm sure I spelled that all wrong). But anyway, I love it!!

YES!  Especially my big 'ol Drama.  She makes me laugh every time!  She's so chunky she waddles.  And, she thinks she's flying, because she flaps her wings the whole distance.  My poor Drama - wants to be a bird that can fly so bad.

I'm thinkin you should video tape that!! Hahahahaha
Well, shoot! I just read that compost test. I planted about 175 peas last year. Got about 5 plants. Just blew my mind that my results were so poor. Last year's garden didn't do well. Last year I mixed in about 2 bags of Cedar Grove compost into each raised bed (most are 4'x4') prior to planting. All of my beds have been prepared by digging down 18" and sifting the soil back in because I live on glacier till. Then compost mixed in.

I've been adding compost in each year for about 4 years - most of it had been my own compost until last year's garden went in. I had stopped composting after the neighbors accused me of feeding the rats that were living under their shed. They continued to accuse me, but I was able to assure them that there was no food in my compost bins. So, last year I supplemented with Cedar Grove. Earlier years did a LOT better than last.

Hopefully, now that my compost bin and cans are full of chicken poo - I can turn this around again.
Yeah Carolyn I'm totally jealous! Both meetups this week won't work for me with DHs schedule and the kids' extra stuff this week. Bummed!! I think we need a meetup near me!

Yeah, the one in Woodinville tonight was really sudden. I'd hoped I could get to a N. End Meetup but that one took me by surprise and the location and time of day put it out of my range. Laughing Feather and I were talking about going over together and snagging a friend of mine in Lynnwood, too. Being in Kitsap is inconvenient for some things.

So, maybe something like meeting at IKEA, or something along those lines? Then it could be a multi-purpose trip for those living a ways away (like me). I love it when I have more than one reason to travel over an hour to get somewhere! IKEA is almost and hour and a half for me, but anybody on that side, as far north as Lynnwood or Monroe, would be half that.

If not, it will be the Monroe show, and that will be all day and hopefully will have lots of us there.
Regarding the Monroe show that's coming up, are there a lot of different breed chicks for sale? Fertilized eggs? I live in Tacoma, are there any shows that happen down that way in the next month or so?

I got bit by the broody fairy and can't wait for the chicken math to happen. Indeed, my first broody is a Buff Orp and she's only 9 months old.
My Buff Orp is around the same age, *just* started laying a week ago, I think she's laid 4 eggs. She's the closest to acting broody hen I've ever had. She loves to sit in the nest now, but doesn't stay once I take the eggs. She used to be really standoffish and not at all cuddly, but now she squats as soon as she sees me. It's hilarious. I could be 15 feet away from her. She squats, taps her little feet and moves side to side.

My Wyandotte does the tap dance too. It's the funniest thing!
Oh, well I would have to be out of the IKEA meet up if it's a weekend

I can do a Tacoma meet up on a weekend

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