Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

[COLOR=800000]"deployed", hehehe- another server dude in the group, hehehe.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800000]So- is there screen on the bottom of the tractor or is it all open ? (I can't quite see.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800000]Also, are the 2x4's there to roost on?[/COLOR]
not quite a server dude, lol... Not a dude and I'm a dev, not a sysadmin. :) you are too?

There is no screen on the bottom, it's totally open. It could easily be made securable, but our chickens are free range 24/7 within the fenced area, about 2/3 acre, with dog keeping predators out.

The internal 2x4s are untreated fir for roosting and I chipped off the top corners and trimmed some width off with a hatchet. If I make another unit like this, I'll look for some thick branches instead of hacking up perfectly nice lumber. The sides are smoke tinted polycarbonate which I'm not sure will work out in the heat of summer. Might have to paint it, or replace with plywood. But it looks nice and didn't need finished so I'm hoping it doesn't get too hot.
I am trying to get input on the best watering system for our girls; it seems the small ones I am using for now - chicks only 6 weeks old -
are always dirty, shavings in the water, poop in the water, etc.
Do the nipple watering systems really work better? what are the drawbacks to this system? Any help or comments would be appreciated.
I am trying to get input on the best watering system for our girls; it seems the small ones I am using for now - chicks only 6 weeks old -
are always dirty, shavings in the water, poop in the water, etc.
Do the nipple watering systems really work better? what are the drawbacks to this system? Any help or comments would be appreciated.
If you raise it on a block of wood or brick or something, it will stay cleaner.
I know I have missed a lot of posts, I will try and get caught up. welcome to the new folks.

hatch update. 18 chicks doing great and a few more still expected. I will try and get pics today.

Your bird/s from me will be Eprinex'd already when you get them. I'm doing the 2nd dose on everyone tonight after they put themselves to bed. At least you know you won't have to do those until fall.

Thanks Jessica! Actually, you are the inspiration for me asking this question because I realized I should probably use Eprinex on the rest of my flock since you use it on yours :)

It's so helpful for a newbie to have others in this community who have such helpful advice!
not quite a server dude, lol... Not a dude and I'm a dev, not a sysadmin.
you are too?

There is no screen on the bottom, it's totally open. It could easily be made securable, but our chickens are free range 24/7 within the fenced area, about 2/3 acre, with dog keeping predators out.

The internal 2x4s are untreated fir for roosting and I chipped off the top corners and trimmed some width off with a hatchet. If I make another unit like this, I'll look for some thick branches instead of hacking up perfectly nice lumber. The sides are smoke tinted polycarbonate which I'm not sure will work out in the heat of summer. Might have to paint it, or replace with plywood. But it looks nice and didn't need finished so I'm hoping it doesn't get too hot.
okay, then dudette! My DH is a SysEng
. That means that besides him being able to make the homemade inCOOLbator, (which worked awesome) he can put a security camera system on the hen house that we can monitor remotely

I think on your tractor that the hens will choose the highest roosting point, and that would be the top of those nest boxes, where they probably will poop in them. I'd suggest perhaps putting the lids on the next boxes. That's a nice lightweight design!

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