Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Linda in Redmond does !!!!
so true!
I'm not sure! We will likely head to Kent Station, DH just said I could pick. Anyone have any good recs for restaurants there? We're pretty gluten free/dairy free but I do make exceptions for myself for special occasions.
Razzi's pizza in Greenwood (yes, it's a a drive) has a 2 page GF menu, and they make a gazillion things with Daiya cheese. We love, love, love going there. They even have GF beer. Google their site and take a peek at their GF menu. vegan mozzarella sticks, organic pizza sauce, GF/CF mozarella bread with pesto sauce, etc, etc.
I want ducks. What kind? I'm interested in the eating kind :)

Gout is a form of arthritis, so maybe there is a connection? I have been drinking cherry juice.

Odd thing for me is ... I used to drink too much beer. Like six or eight a day. Around the holidays, I wanted to loose a few pounds so I stopped drinking the beer. Then I got Gout. Now, if I have more than two beers - I'm in for it.

Time to test out how a good single malt effects my toe :)
My sweet little daughter is anything but little any more.... in fact she's older than a good number of the mommies on this thread. But I'm still super proud of her and want to share. She performed at Seattle's Moisture Festival on Sunday at Hale's Palladium in Fremont. Their act is Duo Rendez-vous and they do "Risley - Icarian" acrobatics (foot juggling). Her partner, Graeme, juggles cylinders and drums and her. Which in and of itself is pretty amazing because she's 5'10" tall! Not like the teeny tiny petite little things that usually do acrobatics.

I got to see them perform Sunday afternoon and the audience loved them. I understand that at the evening performance they got a standing ovation. It just makes me smile all over to see her so excited with her life now. She's worked a long time to find what really fulfills her.

These pictures are from the event's photographer, John Cornicello. He's an amazing photographer!

She also teaches adult yoga, paddle board yoga, baby yoga, and pure barre!
My sweet little daughter is anything but little any more.... in fact she's older than a good number of the mommies on this thread. But I'm still super proud of her and want to share. She performed at Seattle's Moisture Festival on Sunday at Hale's Palladium in Fremont. Their act is Duo Rendez-vous and they do "Risley - Icarian" acrobatics (foot juggling). Her partner, Graeme, juggles cylinders and drums and her. Which in and of itself is pretty amazing because she's 5'10" tall! Not like the teeny tiny petite little things that usually do acrobatics.

I got to see them perform Sunday afternoon and the audience loved them. I understand that at the evening performance they got a standing ovation. It just makes me smile all over to see her so excited with her life now. She's worked a long time to find what really fulfills her.

These pictures are from the event's photographer, John Cornicello. He's an amazing photographer!

She also teaches adult yoga, paddle board yoga, baby yoga, and pure barre!
WOW very cool I would love to see some video of them. I checked their site but they don't have many photo's YET. says it is coming.
Duck duck goose

DANG, I'm in trouble now.
I got too many ducklings in my hatch box and they are toooo tooo cute to not hatch

Can't keep them...no..no...no...noooooo...DH says no...
(that means I get to have 2. hehe)
Bad hatchatitus!
Anybody out there wants ducklings?
I have been soooooooo tempted to get ducks. I saw the ones at the feed store and wanted to snatch all of them up. I have no idea how I would keep them here with 2 cats. My cats really want those little yellow fluff balls that hatched- and they sit by the fence watching them for hours every day. I suppose I'd just have to put extra wire around the bottom of the spare dog kennel until they were bigger than my cats and could fend them off. I mean, I even have a turtle-shaped kiddi pool ready for ducks! I have a dog house that's ready for ducks- all I don't have is ducks, right? I always loved ducks when I was a kid, and still think we need 2-3 of them here to eat all my slugs. I'm just not sure what kind to get. Maybe y'all can help me decide. I need friendly ducks that are on the quiet side and not too "invasive" . Reccommendations? Indian Runners? Muscovy? or Ancona? (I don't want pekins.) I've been leaning towards indian runners......
I want ducks. What kind? I'm interested in the eating kind :)

Gout is a form of arthritis, so maybe there is a connection? I have been drinking cherry juice.

Odd thing for me is ... I used to drink too much beer. Like six or eight a day. Around the holidays, I wanted to loose a few pounds so I stopped drinking the beer. Then I got Gout. Now, if I have more than two beers - I'm in for it.

Time to test out how a good single malt effects my toe :)
I have Indian Runners.
Lays green eggs...one a day.
More than chickens...
..and bigger too...
Busy, busy thread.

1) Happy birthday Jess!

2) Chickens are awesome, ducks might just be awesome-er though!
(Which makes me ponder why I'm getting back into chickens but not ducks...uh-oh)

3) Anybody know what used Sportsman 1202 and Dickey Incubators go for around these parts? I've got three that I'm thinking about selling.
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I know ducks are much better than chickens for slugs.
But............... do ducks destroy gardens like chickens?
Is it one of those things where you need to get your ducks into the garden area before planting to eat as many slugs as possible then remove them after crops planted?
Well not even going to try and read 600+ posts. Hope I did not miss anything important.

Oh I am so very tired of all the crud I have to do for buying this house! So much paperwork and so much darn money. There is always a new thing I have to pay for. But I got all the inspections done and everything is perfect. For the house inspection I was quoted $295, and when I was on the phone with the guy, somehow we got to talking about chickens and I mentioned that I sell eggs. He told me that if I had any eggs to bring him he would take the cost of the eggs off of the cost of the inspection! Sweet, it only came to $24 but it was still cool. The septic inspection was being done at the same time. I was quoted $400 and some change and that was a worse case price. So I took $1000 with me to pay these men. The septic was perfect other than some pieces were not glued together that should have been and for some reason the filter was missing. The inspector climbed in and glued the pieces together (even though he was not suppose to) for free and then showed me two kinds of filters that I could get. One was $100 but would have to be cleaned every month and the other was $350 and only had to be cleaned once a year. I told him that I would get the more expensive one. Assuming that I would have to go and buy one at a later date after we officially get and move into the house. I was wrong, he put in and charged me for that filter right then and there. Dang it! His final amount came to $950 ish. I still had not paid the house inspector yet. So I payed him and then told my Realtor that I hoped the house guy would just bill me cause I did not have enough cash left to pay him. Well we spoke with him and he said no, he needed cash at time of inspection. I did not know what to do. Next thing I know Nina (my Realtor) pulled out her checkbook and wrote a check for almost $300 to cover the house inspection. Man did she save me. After the guy left and we were getting ready to leave I told Nina to let me know when she was back at her office and I would bring her the money I now owed her...... She said NO! Wait, what????? She told me to consider it a housewarming gift! Oh my gosh, I insisted that I pay her back and she refused. Man is she so great or what.

Ugg, I have so much stuff to do. The house is suppose to close on the 25th of April or around that day. I have only packed two small boxes from one cabinet of my DH's beer stine collection. Wish I could just snap my fingers and have it all packed.

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