Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

PLEASE ANYBODY Looking for Lab dogs. IF you have any contact with WaLabs in Onalaska, WA. USE EXTREME CAUTION ! ! ! ! This guy lives close to me and I know him. He is a PUPPY MILL. He has been run off from many places. GOOGLE IS YER FRIEND ! !

Shhhh don't tell youll get us in trouble !!!

Thanks for the warning. Anyone buying a puppy should do their RESEARCH. A friend of mine's parents got an adorable Lab pup last summer. He is so smart and beautiful now that he's all grown up. They really liked the breeder (somewhere here in W WA). If anyone wants the name of the breeder, PM me and I can get it for you (I've been meaning to ask for future reference anyway).
WOW!!! Congratulations! That is some exciting news - I'm very happy for you! (and looking forward to that big BYC Bash you've been promising...
This calls for a house warming DUCK!!
I believe that CR recently acquired that pretty girl to start breeding (please correct me if I'm wrong). That sort of Brahma just highly resembles that variety of Wyandotte. I have two BLRWs. They are lighter in color; the butt fluff is completely blue. It looks as though there is black on the neck feathers of the Brahma, but the Wyandottes don't have black anywhere.
Allllllllrighty now. I have drank my fill of
read all the stuff on all the forums that I go, took a nap while sitting here and almost fell into my coffee, made a list, didn't like it so I made another.

I've procrastinated as long as I can dang it! Time to put my groaddy jeans on an go do something, even if it's wrong. Sigh, I really, really don't want to.
Later peeps. sigh.
Allllllllrighty now. I have drank my fill of
read all the stuff on all the forums that I go, took a nap while sitting here and almost fell into my coffee, made a list, didn't like it so I made another.

I've procrastinated as long as I can dang it! Time to put my groaddy jeans on an go do something, even if it's wrong. Sigh, I really, really don't want to.
Later peeps. sigh.
My new rhodies are starting to bloom and require a rearranging of primroses. I'm off to the garden.
Well I know not to get orchids or african violets then. 

They've gone after chicks, but the roosters are watching them now and all the adults will challenge them until the roosters run them off. 

Wow, what a great endorsement for a roo in the coop. Perhaps next year after the hubby gets used to the girls being here and seeing that they aren't taking over the back yard.

The blue rooster is the best father I've had. His barred son is taking after him quite well. That boy pulled the silkie hen out of the coop and was pecking her for trying to go broody when his dad stepped in and smacked him. Teenage hormones and not wanting access to tail restricted. Usually the rooster doesn't get involved, but I think he really likes chicks.

They are the most noisiest roosters I've had, though. Then there is the silkie hen who joins them in the mornings in crowing at me for scratch.

My ameraucana rooster doesn't crow a quarter of what they do and he doesn't know how to shut up. He's always talking about everything. I like his little comments.
I believe that CR recently acquired that pretty girl to start breeding (please correct me if I'm wrong). That sort of Brahma just highly resembles that variety of Wyandotte. I have two BLRWs. They are lighter in color; the butt fluff is completely blue. It looks as though there is black on the neck feathers of the Brahma, but the Wyandottes don't have black anywhere.
That would explain it looked like a BLRW to me. I didn't know that there are breeds that look so similar but are different breeds.
Hey everyone.
Real quick here, I have two little chicks that need a home. One is a E.E. and the other is a black sexlink. The reason I have them is because the grate people at Bothell feed call me when they have a chick that is not sellable as I have told you guys before. They called me today because they had a black sexlink with some sort of eye issue. As you will see in her picture. Now she runs around just fine, eats and drinks just like the rest. Shows no signs of being sick other than the eye it's self. I should have said no to taking it, but I knew they would have just taken her out back and "delt" with her. I am hoping one of you are willing to take her and her healthy friend. Right now with the impending move I am not able to keep chicks. They are free to any one of you. Because I am not on here very much if you are interested please PM me. Thanks ya'll.

This is her with her bad eye open.

This is with the eye closed.

Other eye is just fine.

The EE is mostly yello, but has blue on her head and blue stripes on her back.

So very cute!

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