Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

You might try Naomi at Edgewood Chics since she is close to Federal Way and she has a lot of poultry varieties and a lot of knowledge.

Sorry to disappoint you, but like so many other trusting people you've been fed a lot of mis-information. The person at Edgewood Chics is probably very nice, but if she, like so many feed stores is mis-informing people about breeds, she's not doing anyone a favor.

As others have said, there is no difference in nutrition in the eggs from different breeds. And the correct information about the breeds you've mentioned can be found at:
The Ameraucana Breeders Club
The Ameraucana Thread at BYC
The Araucana Club of America

Just like other animals, such as dogs, if you breed a purebred with another breed or non-standard version of the breed, you can't honestly call the offspring the same thing. A lab crossed with a mut or a german shepard may look much like a lab, but it's not. If you breed an Ameraucana with something else, the chickens may lay a pretty egg or have puffy beards, but they are called Easter Eggers, not Ameraucana.

Just because "He" posts on the internet that he's a French model, doesn't mean it's true.

My baby boy turns 3 today! 3 years ago on this day I woke up in my own bed with my baby boy to snuggle, he was born in the middle of the night at home in that very same bed. He has taught me that everything i ever knew about parenting the first 2 children was wrong, he is perfectly sweet and agreeable, amazingly strong willed and contrary, hilarious, infuriating, loving, and fun all at the same time. I thank God for such a wonderful gift whom I get to learn from daily. Today we will visit the ophthalmologist, get haircuts, make a piñata cake, have pancakes for dinner, and spoil the boy rotten with everything Ninja Turtles. Hope everyone else has a great day too!

Jess.... You're such a great Mommy! Don't worry, he'll be just as sweet tomorrow as he was last week!
Love that Pinata Cake, I want to make one for my DGDs!

Hey everyone.
Real quick here, I have two little chicks that need a home. One is a E.E. and the other is a black sexlink. The reason I have them is because the grate people at Bothell feed call me when they have a chick that is not sellable as I have told you guys before. They called me today because they had a black sexlink with some sort of eye issue. As you will see in her picture. Now she runs around just fine, eats and drinks just like the rest. Shows no signs of being sick other than the eye it's self. I should have said no to taking it, but I knew they would have just taken her out back and "delt" with her. I am hoping one of you are willing to take her and her healthy friend. Right now with the impending move I am not able to keep chicks. They are free to any one of you. Because I am not on here very much if you are interested please PM me. Thanks ya'll.

So very cute!

Oh... They ARE so cute!!! I love my BSL, she's such a gem. I wish I could help out, but I'm at my limit. I hope someone else can take them.

I've recently gotten 3 wheaten Ameraucana chicks from Cowgirlgrace (Lyn A.) in Gig Harbor. They're almost 7 weeks old and and they've been quite friendly so far. I believe hers have a pretty good reputation for that and being good layers. A few other people have also gotten chicks from her this spring, maybe they can add their thoughts.

There are a few others in this group that have small children.... Hey Parents.... what breeds do your kids do best with??

My black sex link is super with little kids and she's a good layer, too. I saw someone on this thread with some extras just a day or two ago. And, I think VelvettFog breeds them. You can find a variety of sex link chicks at Rain Creek in Port Orchard. She breeds her own rather than shipping them in from commercial hatcheries like the feed stores do.

You might consider Black Australorps, too.

Flighty meaning they fly a lot or are jumpy? He means the nervous type of flighty. My EE is flighty, too.

I thought about EEs I guess it would be a good lesson for my son that eggs come in all colors. I'll look into them. Is there a specific cross with an ameracauana I should look for?? When you buy an EE they don't usually tell you what the breeding background is. In fact, most people that sell EEs call them Amreicanas, Americauna, Aracanas, or some other mis-spelled version of Ameraucanas. They usually don't know the difference. I'd suggest trying to deal with local people that you find here on BYC that have a good reputation within this community.
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Ok anyone here have "The Clapper"? Not the one to turn on and off lights, but the one that when you clap all your stuff is packed up nicely in boxes for you so you no longer have to do it! LOL
Sorry to disappoint you, but like so many other trusting people you've been fed a lot of mis-information. The person at Edgewood Chics is probably very nice, but if she, like so many feed stores is mis-informing people about breeds, she's not doing anyone a favor.

As others have said, there is no difference in nutrition in the eggs from different breeds. And the correct information about the breeds you've mentioned can be found at:
The Ameraucana Breeders Club
The Ameraucana Thread at BYC
The Araucana Club of America

Just like other animals, such as dogs, if you breed a purebred with another breed or non-standard version of the breed, you can't honestly call the offspring the same thing. A lab crossed with a mut or a german shepard may look much like a lab, but it's not. If you breed an Ameraucana with something else, the chickens may lay a pretty egg or have puffy beards, but they are called Easter Eggers, not Ameraucana.

Just because "He" posts on the internet that he's a French model, doesn't mean it's true.

Jess.... You're such a great Mommy! Don't worry, he'll be just as sweet tomorrow as he was last week!
Love that Pinata Cake, I want to make one for my DGDs!

Oh... They ARE so cute!!! I love my BSL, she's such a gem. I wish I could help out, but I'm at my limit. I hope someone else can take them.

I've recently gotten 3 wheaten Ameraucana chicks from Cowgirlgrace (Lyn A.) in Gig Harbor. They're almost 7 weeks old and and they've been quite friendly so far. I believe hers have a pretty good reputation for that and being good layers. A few other people have also gotten chicks from her this spring, maybe they can add their thoughts.

There are a few others in this group that have small children.... Hey Parents.... what breeds do your kids do best with??

My black sex link is super with little kids and she's a good layer, too. I saw someone on this thread with some extras just a day or two ago. And, I think VelvettFog breeds them. You can find a variety of sex link chicks at Rain Creek in Port Orchard. She breeds her own rather than shipping them in from commercial hatcheries like the feed stores do.

You might consider Black Australorps, too.

Flighty meaning they fly a lot or are jumpy? He means the nervous type of flighty. My EE is flighty, too.

I thought about EEs I guess it would be a good lesson for my son that eggs come in all colors. I'll look into them. Is there a specific cross with an ameracauana I should look for?? When you buy an EE they don't usually tell you what the breeding background is. In fact, most people that sell EEs call them Amreicanas, Americauna, Aracanas, or some other mis-spelled version of Ameraucanas. They usually don't know the difference. I'd suggest trying to deal with local people that you find here on BYC that have a good reputation within this community.
OK, so I hatched 10,

then sold one,

then sold 4

...yup, I got 2 ducklings left.
2 ducklings + 2 mama ducks = 4...my limit.

Got to love duck math.

Hope they are girls.

I wanted to post this here first.
I am selling 3 of my blue silkie chicks. They are 8 weeks old, maybe nine, I'll have to look. Straight run, and I would prefer they go together.
$5 each for my fellow BYC peeps, going to ask $10 each at least on CL. They are from very good lines of silkies from very good breeders. But I want to find them a good home.
I am concentrating on blacks, and at this time have too many blues. Go figure!

PM me if interested
Could you put up a pic? Thank You
I've recently gotten 3 wheaten Ameraucana chicks from Cowgirlgrace (Lyn A.) in Gig Harbor. They're almost 7 weeks old and and they've been quite friendly so far. I believe hers have a pretty good reputation for that and being good layers. A few other people have also gotten chicks from her this spring, maybe they can add their thoughts.

There are a few others in this group that have small children.... Hey Parents.... what breeds do your kids do best with??

My black sex link is super with little kids and she's a good layer, too. I saw someone on this thread with some extras just a day or two ago. And, I think VelvettFog breeds them. You can find a variety of sex link chicks at Rain Creek in Port Orchard. She breeds her own rather than shipping them in from commercial hatcheries like the feed stores do.

You might consider Black Australorps, too.

Flighty meaning they fly a lot or are jumpy? He means the nervous type of flighty. My EE is flighty, too.

I thought about EEs I guess it would be a good lesson for my son that eggs come in all colors. I'll look into them. Is there a specific cross with an ameracauana I should look for?? When you buy an EE they don't usually tell you what the breeding background is. In fact, most people that sell EEs call them Amreicanas, Americauna, Aracanas, or some other mis-spelled version of Ameraucanas. They usually don't know the difference. I'd suggest trying to deal with local people that you find here on BYC that have a good reputation within this community.

Cannot recall who was asking initially - but I have both Easter Eggers and Ameracaunas. They do like to fly and roost in my trees, but they are also very friendly! You might want to visit some folks with different birds. Not sure where you're at, but I have a lot of breeds in my little backyard flock I could show you =)
Well, Einstein had a back X-ray a few days ago & today we get to go see what the doc says.
remember he flew off a 2 story building while installing an elevator and landed on his heels in 2002.....and compressed to say the least, and had surgery on his heels , but knees, and spine are screwed up bad.
Hard to deal with his injuries as the L&I claim is in California, no doc up here would take up his care.
So we will finally see what this doc says today.
Hopefully he does not have to go back to CAL to get surgery.....the doc we see today is just a Chiropractor, but has CAL L&I permission to get this X ray done.
Baby steps, baby steps............
Will talk to y'all later
That Sucks!!! I sure hope he can find help here!!! My mom had to deal with the lovely folks from CA for her back and it wasn't fun! So many people out there playing games and want money for nothing it make it harder for people that need help. You would think fallin off a building would get things done no problem but not in CA. My mom has a couple of Doc's up here that didn't seem to have a problem with Ca. and wanted to try and help her but she is at the point where she will deal wit it. If you want me to get the names I could but I'm pretty sure they work out of Olympia Orthopedics.

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